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English-German translation for: supported
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Dictionary English German: supported

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

English German
ADJ   supported | more supported | most supported
VERB  to support | supported | supported ... 
supported {adj} {past-p}
supported {adj} {past-p}
sb. supported
jd. stützte
sb. supported
jd. unterstützte
2 Words: Others
tech. ceiling-supported {adj}deckenmontiert
comp. database-supported {adj}datenbankgestützt
comp. EDP-supported {adj}automationsgestützt [EDV]
comp. EDP-supported {adj}automationsunterstützt [EDV]
comp. EDP-supported {adj}EDV-gestützt
family-supported {adj}von der Familie unterstützt
financially supported {adj}finanziell unterstützt
internally supported {adj} {past-p} [also fig.]innengestützt [auch fig.]
tech. laser-supported {adj}lasergestützt
tech. machine-supported {adj}maschinenunterstützt
chem. tech. plasma-supported {adj}plasmaunterstützt [auch: Plasma-unterstützt]
tech. sensor-supported {adj}sensorunterstützt
tech. spring-supported {adj}aufgefedert
supported bygestützt von
supported byunterhalten von
tax-supported {adj}steuerlich begünstigt
2 Words: Verbs
to be supportedaufliegen
2 Words: Nouns
engin. spec. traffic supported carriageway [Br.]aufgeständerte Fahrbahn {f}
tech. supported shaftunterstützte Welle {f}
3 Words: Others
med. chamber angle-supported {adj}kammerwinkelgestützt
sth. cannot be supportedetw. kann nicht unterstützt werden
3 Words: Verbs
to be rigidly supportedfest aufliegen
to be supported byunterstützt werden von
3 Words: Nouns
archi. constr. arch-supported beamLanger'scher Balken {m}
archi. constr. arch-supported beamLangerscher Balken {m} [alt]
dent. bone-supported RMEknochengestützte GNE {f}
agr. comm. community supported agriculture <CSA>Solidarische Landwirtschaft {f} <SoLaWi>
MedTech. CT-supported navigationCT-gestützte Navigation {f}
dent. implant-supported superstructureimplantatgetragene Suprakonstruktion {f}
med. MedTech. pressure-supported ventilation <PSV>druckunterstützende Beatmung {f}
med. MedTech. pressure-supported ventilation <PSV>druckunterstützte Beatmung {f}
rack-supported buildingHochregallager {n} in Silobauweise
sports supported shoulder stand [also: supported shoulderstand; salamba sarvangasana]gestützter Schulterstand {m} [Yoga]
dent. tooth-supported bridgezahngestützte Brücke {f}
4 Words: Nouns
comp. ad-supported computer software <adware>Adware {f}
computer supported collaborative learningcomputergestütztes kollaboratives Lernen {n}
Computer Supported Cooperative Work <CSCW>computerunterstützte Kooperation {f}
comp. computer-supported cooperative work <CSCW>computergestützte Gruppenarbeit {f}
FireResc med. container-supported field hospital [e.g. army]containergestütztes Einsatzlazarett {n} [z. B. Bundeswehr]
tech. low supported steel shaftniedrig abgestützte Stahlwelle {f}
rack-supported storage systemHochregallager {n} in Silobauweise
dent. supported free-end saddlegestützter Freiendsattel {m}
5+ Words: Others
archaeo. not supported by cuneiform evidencekeilschriftlich nicht gestützt
automot. tech. sth. is supported by / in five bearingsetw. ist fünffach gelagert
automot. tech. sth. is supported by / in four bearingsetw. ist vierfach gelagert
5+ Words: Verbs
pol. to be supported by the public purse [esp. Brit.]vom Staat leben
5+ Words: Nouns
Arrangement Guidelines for Officially Supported Export CreditsÜbereinkommen {n} über Leitlinien für öffentlich unterstützte Exportkredite
tech. ball bearing supported (slewing) ringKugeldrehverbindung {f}
credit not supported by mortgageKredit {m} ohne hypothekarische Sicherheit
dent. tooth-implant-supported fixed partial dentureVerbundbrücke {f}
dent. tooth-implant-supported fixed partial denturezahn-implantatgetragene Brücke {f}
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A 2016-04-04: the load / weight is supported from below by the container legs / stands
A 2015-10-08: ... EMH has the communication module VariomodNXT for a transparent and mod...
A 2014-01-27: Not supported
A 2012-04-24: Winkelverdrehung = torsion; aufgelagert = supported
A 2011-04-09: If it is supported by context,
Q 2011-03-21: Chemiepatenttext, "pier-supported parallel rows of beams", "pier" = Stütze?
Q 2011-03-16: supported specialists (PTAs)
A 2011-01-11: 'Supported greatly appreciated'
A 2011-01-10: Hello, hello - +supported?+
Q 2011-01-10: Supported greatly appreciated
A 2010-09-07: yes and/or be supported ....
A 2010-06-19: supported ...
A 2010-01-28: LauraM, your translation is supported by the Zahn Banking and Stock Tradin...
A 2009-09-15: in a completely different context, it could mean 'arguably' in its 'can be...
A 2009-09-06: yes, PC-supported
A 2009-08-30: '...supported hydrostatically...'
A 2009-06-05: automationsgestützt / automationsunterstützt (EDV) > EDP-supported >>> I g...
A 2009-04-03: Your suggestion +systems should be supported+ is even more current usage
Q 2009-04-03: shall be supported
A 2008-11-06: The three-aisled hall, supported by octagonal oaken pillars, has ornamenta...

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