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English-German translation for: surely
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Dictionary English German: surely

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
SYNO   certainly | for certain | for sure ... 
surely {adv}
surely {adv}
surely {adv}
surely {adv}
wohl [bestimmt]
surely {adv}
surely {adv}
2 Words
math. almost surely {adv}fast sicher
surely notgewiss nicht
surely notsicherlich nicht
surely not {adv}mit Sicherheit nicht
Surely not!Sicher nicht!
3 Words
slowly but surely {adv}langsam, aber sicher
idiom Slowly but surely.Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen. [Langsam, aber sicher.]
4 Words
as surely as death {adv} [idiom]bombensicher [ugs.]
Surely you know that ...Du weißt doch, dass ...
5+ Words
He surely made that up out of thin air.Das hat er sich sicher aus den Fingern gesogen.
bibl. quote Surely mockers are with me, And my eye gazes on their provocation. [Job 17:2; NASB]Fürwahr, Gespött umgibt mich, und auf ihrem Hadern muß mein Auge weilen. [Hiob 17,2; Luther 1912 / 1984]
This will surely enable you to ...Dies wird es Ihnen sicherlich ermöglichen ...
You must surely know that ...Sie wissen doch, dass ... [formelle Anrede]
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A 2022-08-12: As to the 'singular use of +they',+ surely there is something contrived or...
A 2017-04-10: Surely this video will help you along. \ Hope your schoolwork will profit...
A 2016-01-19: 10:52 +epidemy?+ Surely, this is +epidemic+
A 2015-06-25: Oder: surely you have caught the drift
A 2015-05-21: +And yet the mills of God not only grind slowly but also surely+ - nothing...
A 2015-02-28: Surely, spaetzle when they were invented looked like sparrows or spadgers;...
A 2014-12-08: With the benefit of hindsight the attitude toward the entire matter/issue/...
A 2014-11-20: Surely US usage evolved out of English usage as laid out in #777890
A 2014-11-20: Surely keeping an eye on new words coming into the language is part of the...
A 2014-10-29: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first] +Surely you can do be...
A 2014-08-30: Dein Vorschlag "surely" passt hier ganz gut.
Q 2014-06-24: We will surely see more of this.
A 2014-06-11: Surely three links cannot establish any AE / BE difference - and you did r...
A 2012-09-11: http://www.dict.cc/?s=surely
Q 2012-09-11: as it surely will
A 2012-09-03: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Surely
Q 2012-09-03: Surely it is a big war.
A 2012-08-30: it surely would do so
Q 2012-08-30: George is hopeful that is surely would do so
A 2012-07-03: Surely, certainly

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