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Dictionary English German: surface

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NOUN   a surface | surfaces
VERB  to surface | surfaced | surfaced ... 
SYNO   aerofoil | airfoil | control surface ... 
surface {adj} [attr.]
oberflächlich [Oberflächen-, sich an oder auf der Oberfläche befindend]
mil. Surface! [submarine]
Auftauchen! [U-Boot]
surface {adj} [attr.]
constr. electr. surface {adj}auf Putz <aP, AP>
mining surface {adj} [attr.]über Tage [nachgestellt]
to surface
to surface
hochkommen [fig.]
to surfacein Erscheinung treten [Redewendung]
to surfacezum Vorschein kommen
to surfacean die Oberfläche kommen
Oberfläche {f}
Fläche {f}
surface [on road]
Belag {m} [auf Straße]
Spiegel {m} [Wasserfläche]
2 Words: Others
by surface {adv}auf dem Landweg
multi-surface {adj}Mehrflächen-
multi-surface {adj} [attr.]mehrflächig
near-surface {adj} [attr.]oberflächennah
single-surface {adj} [attr.]einflächig
mining sub-surface {adj}untertägig
surface finished {adj}oberflächenveredelt
tech. surface parallel {adj}oberflächenparallel
surface-active {adj}grenzflächenaktiv
surface-active {adj}oberflächenaktiv
tech. surface-cooled {adj}oberflächengekühlt
material surface-hardened {adj}oberflächengehärtet
tech. surface-modified {adj}oberflächenmodifiziert
constr. surface-mounted {adj} [attr.]Aufputz-
surface-oriented {adj}flächenorientiert
surface-oriented {adj}oberflächenorientiert
2 Words: Verbs
to cut surfaceauftauchen
to cut surfacedie Oberfläche durchschneiden
to surface treatoberflächenbehandeln
material to surface-hardenoberflächenhärten
material to surface-hardenoberflächlich härten
tech. to surface-plane sth.etw. abrichten [mit Hobel]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (surface) flakingAbblätterung {f}
math. (surface) normalNormalenvektor {m}
material (surface) roughnessOberflächenrauheit {f}
material (surface) roughnessOberflächenrauhheit {f} [alt]
anat. abdominal surfaceAbdomenoberfläche {f}
abrasive surfaceraue Oberfläche {f}
chem. tech. absorption surfaceAbsorptionsoberfläche {f}
adhesive surfaceKlebefläche {f}
market. advertising surfaceWerbefläche {f}
biol. agar surfaceAgarfläche {f}
math. algebraic surfacealgebraische Oberfläche {f}
material aluminium surface [Br.]Aluminiumoberfläche {f}
material aluminum surface [Am.]Aluminiumoberfläche {f}
electr. anode surfaceAnodenoberfläche {f}
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A 2024-10-04: Possibly stating the obvious, but *...flur...* apparently is the 'natural ...
A 2023-11-03: to avoid soiling the surface of ... / to avoid leaving residues of adhes...
A 2020-12-10: Think of a plasterer, Windfall, having to prepare a large surface with his...
A 2020-09-12: to abrade through the veneer / surface / finish / top layer
A 2020-06-18: untergründig ≈ under-the-surface [fig.]
A 2019-06-05: Wane - a rounded surface
Q 2018-05-02: surface-level philanthropy
A 2017-12-31: be careful to moisten / wet the entire surface area
Q 2017-06-26: evaluation of a point grid on a NURBS surface
A 2017-04-02: Work surface or worktop.
Q 2017-02-07: sheets superglued to the surface of the bed
A 2016-04-17: "smo(u)ldering accent" here: a strong accent under the surface of your lan...
A 2016-03-14: You hardly scratched the surface.
Q 2016-03-11: getting below the surface noise
A 2016-01-25: Freezing rain turns to ice as soon as it hits a surface,
A 2015-12-10: above the resting surface > über (der) Aufstand(sfläche
A 2015-06-12: +paint filler+ generally, also +surface filler+ in the trade
A 2015-02-08: with a surface of xyz square kilometres, sth is the largest country / sea ...
A 2014-10-02: but if a valve seat is sticky there is some foreign matter (e.g. oil etc. ...
A 2014-03-10: Correct. +drawing area+ in Illustrator, +drawing surface+ in the real world.

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