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English-German translation for: surgery
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Dictionary English German: surgery

Translation 1 - 50 of 418  >>

English German
NOUN1   a surgery | surgeries
NOUN2   surgery | -
SYNO   OR | operating room ... 
med. surgery1 [surgical operation] <Sx>
Operation {f} <Op., OP>
dent. med. VetMed. surgery1 [Br.] [doctor's office]
Praxis {f} [Arztpraxis]
acad. med. surgery2 [branch of medicine]
Chirurgie {f}
med. surgery1 [Br.] [doctor's office]
Sprechzimmer {n}
med. surgery1 [Br.] [doctor's office]
Behandlungszimmer {n} [Arztpraxis]
med. surgery1 [operation, esp. on inner organs]
Eingriff {m} [Operation, bes. an inneren Organen]
med. surgery1 [Am.] [Can.] [operating room, operating theatre]
Operationssaal {m}
med. surgery1 [surgical operation]
OP {f} [kurz für: Operation]
med. surgery1 [Br.] [doctor's office]
Ordination {f} [österr.] [Arztpraxis]
pol. surgery [UK] [of an MP, city councillor, lawyer etc.]
Sprechstunde {f} [eines Politikers, einer Beratungsstelle etc.]
med. surgery1 [Br.] [doctor's office]
Untersuchungszimmer {n} [Arztpraxis]
med. surgery1 [Br.] [doctor's office]
Arztzimmer {n} [Behandlungsraum]
acad. med. surgery2 [branch of medicine]Wundarznei {f} [veraltet bzw. historisch] [Chirurgie]
med. surgery [branch of medicine]Wundarzneikunst {f} [veraltet]. [Chirurgie]
med. surgery1 [surgical operation]chirurgischer Eingriff {m}
med. surgery1 [surgical treatment]chirurgische Behandlung {f}
2 Words: Others
med. post-surgery {adj}postchirurgisch
med. post-surgery {adj}postoperativ
med. post-surgery {adj}nach der Operation [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
to undergo surgeryoperiert werden
2 Words: Nouns
acad. med. abdominal surgery [branch of medicine]Abdominalchirurgie {f}
acad. med. abdominal surgery [branch of medicine]Bauchchirurgie {f}
acad. med. abdominal surgery [branch of medicine]Viszeralchirurgie {f}
med. abdominal surgery [operation]Bauchoperation {f}
med. abdominal surgery [operation]Bauch-OP {f} [kurz für: Bauchoperation]
acad. med. accident surgery [branch of medicine]Unfallchirurgie {f} [Teilgebiet der Chirurgie]
acad. cosmet. med. aesthetic surgeryästhetische Chirurgie {f}
comp. med. ambulant surgeryambulantes Operieren {n} <AMBO>
med. ambulatory surgeryambulante Operation {f}
med. ambulatory surgeryambulanter Eingriff {m}
acad. med. anophthalmia surgeryAnophthalmuschirurgie {f}
med. arthroscopic surgeryArthroskopie {f} [arthroskopische Chirurgie / Operation]
acad. med. aural surgeryOhrchirurgie {f}
med. bandaid surgery [esp. Am.] [Band-Aid® surgery] [e.g. laparoscopy]minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f} [z. B. Laparoskopie]
med. bariatric surgeryAdipositaschirurgie {f}
med. bariatric surgerybariatrischer Eingriff {m}
med. bariatric surgery [branch of medicine]bariatrische Chirurgie {f}
med. bone surgeryKnochenchirurgie {f}
med. bowel surgeryDarmoperation {f}
med. bowel surgery [operation]Darm-OP {f} [kurz für: Darmoperation]
acad. med. brain surgery [branch of medicine]Gehirnchirurgie {f} [Teilgebiet der Chirurgie]
acad. med. brain surgery [branch of medicine]Hirnchirurgie {f} [Teilgebiet der Chirurgie]
med. brain surgery [operation]Gehirnoperation {f}
med. brain surgery [operation]Hirnoperation {f}
med. brain surgery [operation]Gehirn-OP {f} [kurz für: Gehirnoperation]
med. brain surgery [operation]Hirn-OP {f} [kurz für: Hirnoperation]
acad. med. breast surgery [branch of medicine]Brustchirurgie {f}
acad. med. breast surgery [branch of medicine]Mammachirurgie {f}
med. breast surgery [operation]Brustoperation {f}
med. breast surgery [operation]Brust-OP {f} [kurz für: Brustoperation]
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Q 2021-04-21: Have you had surgery
Q 2019-11-17: Acquisitions (as in surgery)
A 2019-05-04: definitive (or curative) surgery
Q 2019-05-04: definitive surgery
A 2016-11-21: Plastic surgery
A 2016-06-19: Quote: *surgery* +British+ 2.2 An occasion on which an MP, lawyer, or othe...
A 2016-06-19: UK Parliament Glossary on surgery
A 2015-07-02: You can go to the surgery/office and see the doctor in person...
Q 2015-04-02: to have cataract surgery
A 2015-02-25: vermutlich ist gemeint: Several case assessments without any indication fo...
A 2014-09-22: abdominal surgery
A 2014-01-16: to have nip-and-tuck surgery
Q 2014-01-09: Medical context - surgery
A 2013-09-26: Could it be: TASS: Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (eye surgery complication)
Q 2013-07-11: intestinal bypass surgery
Q 2013-03-13: The surgery is usually done as a day case.
A 2012-09-13: I underwent surgery, but I haven't recovered yet.
Q 2012-06-19: Orthodontical? oder nur orthodontic treatment, surgery, measure...
A 2011-07-28: associated doctors' surgery

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