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English-German translation for: survive
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Dictionary English German: survive

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
VERB  to survive | survived | survived ... 
SYNO   to outlast | to outlive | to survive ... 
to survive
to survive
überstehen [überleben]
to survive
to survive
bestehen [Kampf, Gefahr etc.]
to survive sth.
etw. aushalten [überleben]
to survive
to survive
to survive
to survivesich halten
hist. to survive [fig.]überliefert werden
to survive [objects, traditions etc.]erhalten bleiben [Schriften, Gebäude, Traditionen]
to survive [of an object, custom etc.]sich erhalten [überdauern]
to survive [old piece of literature etc.]erhalten sein
to survive [pattern, standard etc.]erhalten bleiben [Vorbild, Verhaltensmuster etc.]
to survive sth. [fig.]etw.Akk. verkraften
to survive sth. [get through, weather]etw. übertauchen [österr.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
I'll survive. [coll.]Ich werds überleben. [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
to survive on sth.mit etw.Dat. auskommen
to survive sth. unscathedetw.Akk. unbeschadet überstehen
geol. mining to survive undergroundunter Tage überleben
to survive unscathedunbeschadet überleben
to survive unscathedunversehrt überleben
3 Words: Others
Did he survive?Ist er durchgekommen? [ugs.] [Ist er noch am Leben?]
3 Words: Verbs
to survive a ploteinen Anschlag überleben
to survive without waterohne Wasser überleben
3 Words: Nouns
ability to surviveÜberlebenskraft {f}
fitness to surviveÜberlebenstauglichkeit {f}
sociol. inabilty to survive [without state handouts]Lebensuntauglichkeit {f}
struggle to surviveExistenzkampf {m}
will to surviveÜberlebenswille {m}
4 Words: Others
lit. stocks Only the Paranoid Survive. [Andrew S. Grove]Nur die Paranoiden überleben.
proverb Only the strong survive.Nur die Starken überleben.
proverb Only the strong survive.Nur die Harten komm'n in'n Garten. [ugs.] [hum.] [eher mündlich]
4 Words: Verbs
to better survive in competitionim Wettbewerb besser bestehen können
5+ Words: Nouns
biol. plant / animal that does not survive in areas developed by manKulturflüchter {m}
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A 2016-10-05: +You'll live+ or +you'll survive+ are both quite common, in my experience.
A 2015-08-10: +hair in a / the biscuit+ may be particularly inane as a hair would hardly...
A 2013-11-09: I just about managed to survive the evening
Q 2012-03-01: they are worried about how they will survive each day
A 2010-07-05: Ok, so community and survive are right,
A 2009-12-17: and there are public funds from the EU available - just tell a Briton the...
A 2009-10-28: It's anything mommy takes to manage and survive the everyday routine.
Q 2009-07-01: Staple of American folklore: How Do Politicians Survive Sex Scandals?
A 2009-05-03: I don't think the Chocolate would survive the transport - or if it did, pa...
A 2009-01-04: @kalinka - but do you survive .... ;)) - I am sure you do master ....
A 2009-01-04: "...to survive" is the way we usually say it.
A 2009-01-04: hahahaaa - na dann - Du kennst die story .... master / survive ... what ev...
A 2009-01-04: succeed / maybe even survive ...
A 2008-11-12: did CAT survive?
A 2008-04-10: To survive, mothers . . . . . .but to enter a life of prostitution.
Q 2008-01-09: apart from Britain to survive the 20th century
A 2007-10-08: No prob, you all help me survive ...
Q 2007-05-27: Tausendsackerment! Dwight dropped in! He can replace me - I'm trying to su...
A 2007-04-11: beta-carotene can survive even lengthy cooking
A 2007-02-28: I wouldn't survive one single day in the office without...

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