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English-German translation for: suspect
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Dictionary English German: suspect

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ADJ   suspect | more suspect | most suspect
NOUN   a suspect | suspects
VERB  to suspect | suspected | suspected ... 
SYNO   to surmise | to suspect | defendant ... 
suspect {adj} [suspicious]
suspect {adj}
suspect {adj}
suspect {adj} [open to suspicion]
suspect {adj}
to suspect sth.
etw.Akk. ahnen [vermuten]
to suspect
to suspect
to suspect
to suspect
to suspect
to suspect sth. [doubt the genuineness or truth of sth.]
etw. anzweifeln [eine Tatsache oder die Echtheit von etw. infrage stellen]
to suspecteinen Verdacht hegen
to suspectes für möglich halten
to suspect sb.jdn. im Verdacht haben
to suspect sth.Unrat wittern [Redewendung] [Schlimmes ahnen, befürchten]
law suspect
Verdächtiger {m}
suspect [female]
Verdächtige {f}
law suspect
Tatverdächtiger {m}
Verdachtsperson {f}
law suspect [female]
Tatverdächtige {f}
law suspectVerdächtigter {m} [seltener für: Verdächtiger]
law suspectmutmaßlicher Täter {m}
suspectvermutlicher Täter {m}
2 Words: Others
more suspect {adj}verdächtiger
most suspect {adj}verdächtigste
2 Words: Verbs
to become suspectin Verdacht geraten
to suspect sb. of sth.jdn. etw.Gen. verdächtigen
to suspect sth. behind sth.etw. hinter etw.Dat. vermuten
to suspect that ...den Verdacht haben, dass ...
to suspect that ... [with suspicion]argwöhnen, dass ...
2 Words: Nouns
chief suspectHauptverdächtiger {m}
chief suspect [female]Hauptverdächtige {f}
sports doping suspectDopingverdächtiger {m}
kidnapping suspectmutmaßlicher Entführer {m}
lead suspectHauptverdächtiger {m}
leading suspectHauptverdächtiger {m}
law main suspectHauptverdächtiger {m}
law main suspect [female]Hauptverdächtige {f}
murder suspectMordverdächtiger {m}
murder suspect [female]Mordverdächtige {f}
primary suspectHauptverdächtiger {m}
prime suspectHauptverdächtiger {m}
prime suspect [female]Hauptverdächtige {f}
law principal suspectHauptverdächtiger {m}
law strong suspectdringend Tatverdächtiger {m}
law strong suspect [female]dringend Tatverdächtige {f}
suspect listVerdächtigenliste {f}
suspect listListe {f} der Verdächtigen
suspect listListe {f} mit Verdächtigen
FoodInd. pharm. suspect sampleVerdachtsprobe {f}
FoodInd. pharm. suspect samplingVerdachtsprobenahme {f}
terror suspectTerrorverdächtiger {m}
terror suspect [female]Terrorverdächtige {f}
terrorism suspectTerrorismusverdächtiger {m}
terrorism suspectTerrorverdächtiger {m}
3 Words: Others
You suspect someone? [coll.]Haben Sie jemanden in Verdacht? [formelle Anrede]
3 Words: Verbs
to suspect money launderingGeldwäsche vermuten
to suspect sb. of doing sth. [e.g. dealing drugs]jdn. verdächtigen, etw. zu tun [z. B. mit Drogen zu handeln]
to suspect something badSchlimmes vermuten
3 Words: Nouns
number-one suspect [coll.]Hauptverdächtiger {m}
the obvious suspectder offensichtlich Verdächtige {m}
the obvious suspectder offensichtliche Verdächtige {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to suspect sb. of having done sth.jdn. verdächtigen, etw. getan zu haben
5+ Words: Others
If there is reason to believe / suspect that ...Wenn zu besorgen ist, dass ... [Amtssprache]
5+ Words: Verbs
law to detain a suspect for questioningeinen Verdächtigen in Untersuchungshaft behalten / halten
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Prime SuspectHeißer Verdacht
film F Suspect [Peter Yates]SuspectUnter Verdacht
film F Suspect Zero [E. Elias Merhige]Suspect ZeroIm Auge des Mörders
film F The suspect [Robert Siodmak]Unter Verdacht
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A 2017-05-03: If you suspect a defect: Could the carburettor be at fault? Could the c. b...
A 2014-02-26: Suspect Irregular Entry Vessel (SIEV)
Q 2014-02-26: suspect irregular entry vessel
A 2013-09-28: Similar problem in German. I know of people who suspect users of the rathe...
A 2013-05-27: ... people threatening violence / anyone threatening violence / suspect in...
Q 2012-11-03: George didn’t suspect that his parents had enrolled him in a hospital.
A 2012-01-17: typos: a suspect is charged and then the judge
A 2011-12-05: Suspect it's something to do with the perfect teeth image.
A 2011-11-19: I suspect the "aber" is what confused you.
A 2011-11-14: suspect rape exam / rape suspect exam
A 2011-11-13: +suspect exam+ ~ +exam of the suspect+ > Untersuchung der / des Verdächtigen
Q 2011-11-13: suspect (rape) exam
A 2010-12-10: "to suspect" might help
Q 2010-10-22: suspect value
A 2010-10-09: Suspect - Verdächtiger, vermutlicher Täter.
A 2010-05-30: "I suspect most of the English people would let it pass as acceptable English."
A 2010-03-29: I suspect: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22post-ha...
A 2010-03-17: I suspect it's "Jesus"
A 2010-03-13: you are right, I suspect it's spelled with 5 's', like, disassssembly. Tha...
A 2010-01-20: I suspect it's a roll of the food described put on a stick so one can eat ...

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