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English-German translation for: suspicion
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Dictionary English German: suspicion

Translation 1 - 50 of 100  >>

English German
NOUN1   a suspicion | suspicions
NOUN2   suspicion | -
SYNO   suspicion | suspiciousness | hunch ... 
Verdacht {m}
Misstrauen {n}
Argwohn {m} [geh.]
Vermutung {f}
Verdächtigung {f}
law suspicion [of having committed a crime]
Tatverdacht {m}
suspicion [inkling]
Ahnung {f} [Vermutung]
Beargwöhnung {f}
2 Words: Others
above suspicion {adj} [postpos.]unverdächtig
above suspicion {adj} [postpos.]über jeden Verdacht erhaben
beyond suspicion {adj} [postpos.]unverdächtig
without suspicion {adj} {adv} [search, detention etc.]verdachtsunabhängig
2 Words: Verbs
to allay suspicionArgwohn beschwichtigen
to allay suspicionVerdacht beseitigen
to arouse suspicionArgwohn wecken
to arouse suspicionVerdacht erregen
to avert suspicionArgwohn vertreiben
to avert suspicionVerdacht abwenden
to awaken suspicionArgwohn wecken
to cause suspicionArgwohn verursachen
to cause suspicionargwöhnisch machen
to conceive suspicionVerdacht hegen
to entertain suspicionVerdacht hegen
to raise suspicionVerdacht erregen
to raise suspicionVerdacht erwecken
2 Words: Nouns
acad. comp. AI suspicionKI-Verdacht {m}
bad suspicionschlimmer Verdacht {m}
bad suspicionübler Verdacht {m}
blanket suspicionGeneralverdacht {m}
blanket suspicionPauschalverdacht {m}
confirmed suspicionbestätigter Verdacht {m}
med. corona suspicionCorona-Verdacht {m}
dark suspiciondunkler Verdacht {m}
sports doping suspicionDopingverdacht {m}
faint suspicionleiser Verdacht {m}
faint suspicionvager Verdacht {m}
general suspicionGeneralverdacht {m}
groundless suspicionhaltlose Verdächtigung {f}
healthy suspiciongesundes Misstrauen {n}
initial suspicionAnfangsverdacht {m}
law justified suspicion [of having committed a crime]begründeter Tatverdacht {m}
law reasonable suspicionAnfangsverdacht {m}
law reasonable suspicion [of having committed a crime]begründeter Tatverdacht {m}
sneaking suspicionheimlicher Verdacht {m}
sneaking suspicionleiser Verdacht {m}
strong suspiciondringender Verdacht {m}
strong suspicionstarker Verdacht {m}
suspicion of sth.Verdacht {m} auf etw.Akk.
vague suspiciongewisser Verdacht {m}
3 Words: Others
clear of suspicion {adj}frei von Verdacht
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A 2024-09-27: "suspicion" usually implies s.th. forbidden, wrong, guilty etc.
A 2024-09-27: to use the narration for eliminating the suspicion of contingency
A 2023-11-29: @Sasso "......Verdacht" is 'suspicion', which is an assumption inside your...
A 2015-01-23: So there we are: +sich als Experte geben+ raises the suspicion that the pe...
A 2014-04-30: Red flag - something that should arouse suspicion
A 2014-03-07: @anon. Ich finde bei "treatment on suspicion" eben auch solche Fälle:
A 2013-11-06: http://www.dict.cc/?s=sneaking+suspicion ?!
A 2013-01-06: Suspicion Index
Q 2013-01-05: high index of suspicion
A 2012-12-18: Not sure if "abstrafen" really works, but a native needs to confirm my sus...
A 2012-01-05: I only know +What are you up to?+ as you have described, although it doesn...
A 2011-09-19: long-smoldering suspicion googles well.
A 2011-06-27: This could easily lead to the suspicion that an attempt is being made to i...
Q 2011-06-18: index of suspicion
A 2011-04-13: "inference" in its range of meanings can express less certainty than "conc...
A 2010-10-05: @zou: Well, 'ardous suspicion" sounds odd, doesn't it?
A 2010-02-28: My attempt using 'to fall under suspicion'
A 2010-01-04: Suspicion Notification Form
A 2009-08-11: Suspicion
A 2009-04-20: ... if there is (a) suspicion of irregularities.

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