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English-German translation for: sustainable
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Dictionary English German: sustainable

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
ADJ   sustainable | more sustainable | most sustainable
ecol. sustainable {adj}
sustainable {adj}
sustainable {adj}
sustainable {adj}
ecol. sustainable {adj} [whaling etc.]
ecol. sustainable {adj}
sustainable {adj}
tragbar [vertretbar]
sustainable {adj}
sustainable {adj}
sustainable {adj} [position]
haltbar [vertretbar]
sustainable {adj}
2 Words: Others
ecol. (environmentally) sustainable {adj}umweltverträglich
ecol. ecologically sustainable {adj}ökologisch nachhaltig
ecol. environmentally sustainable {adj}ökologisch nachhaltig
more sustainable {adj}nachhaltiger
ecol. non-sustainable {adj}nicht nachhaltig
sth. is sustainableetw. kann aufrechterhalten werden
2 Words: Nouns
agr. ecol. sustainable agriculturenachhaltige Landwirtschaft {f}
ecol. travel sustainable destinationsnachhaltige Reiseziele {pl}
ecol. econ. sustainable developmentNachhaltigkeit {f} [nachhaltige Entwicklung]
ecol. sustainable developmentnachhaltige Entwicklung {f}
ecol. sustainable developmentumweltgerechte Entwicklung {f}
engin. sustainable engineeringnachhaltiges Engineering {n}
cloth. ecol. sustainable fashion [also: conscious fashion, eco fashion]Öko-Mode {f} [ugs.] [ökologisch verträglich]
ecol. for. sustainable forestrynachhaltige Forstwirtschaft {f}
econ. sustainable futurenachhaltige Zukunft {f}
econ. sustainable growthbeständiges Wachstum {n}
ecol. econ. sustainable growthnachhaltiges Wachstum {n}
ecol. sustainable livingnachhaltiges Leben {n}
ecol. travel sustainable tourismnachhaltiger Tourismus {m}
ecol. travel sustainable tourismsanfter Tourismus {m}
traffic transp. urban sustainable transportsanfte Mobilität {f}
ecol. sustainable usenachhaltige Nutzung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. maximum sustainable yield <MSY> [esp. in fishing]höchstmöglicher Dauerertrag {m} [bes. beim Fischfang]
promoting sustainable tourismFörderung {f} des nachhaltigen Tourismus
aviat. sustainable aviation fuel <SAF>nachhaltiger Flugkraftstoff {m}
sustainable boiler outputaufrechterhaltbare Kesselleistung {f}
agr. sustainable coffee farmingnachhaltiger Kaffeeanbau {m}
ecol. sustainable development processNachhaltigkeitsprozess {m}
ecol. sustainable energy solutionsnachhaltige Energielösungen {pl}
ecol. for. sustainable forest management <SFM>nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung {f}
sustainable plant managementnachhaltige Betriebsführung {f}
ecol. sustainable soil protectionnachhaltiger Bodenschutz {m}
sustainable spatial developmentnachhaltige Entwicklung {f} des Raumes
ecol. hydro. sustainable water managementnachhaltiges Wassermanagement {n}
5+ Words: Others
comm. ecol. operated in a sustainable manner {adj} {past-p}nachhaltig betrieben
5+ Words: Nouns
sustainable spatial and settlement developmentnachhaltige Raum- und Siedlungsentwicklung {f}
pol. United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development <UNCSD>Konferenz {f} der Vereinten Nationen über nachhaltige Entwicklung
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A 2018-09-01: We promote and accompany sustainable princes dialogues.
Q 2014-07-09: grammar: ... and at the beginning of the 21st century got also connected t...
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Q 2013-01-25: shared concept of sustainable development
Q 2012-10-25: Green Efficiency. How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line. 
A 2012-05-30: +nachhaltiges Thema / sustainable topic+ - one people keep waffling about ...
A 2012-05-30: but is also a sustainable topic in its own right
Q 2010-09-09: sustainable (development) / sustainability (Kulturwissenschaften)
A 2010-02-26: sustainable prosperity as opposed to striving for (mere) growth / competit...
A 2009-11-12: ...and a sustainable realization of a property's earning potential is soli...
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A 2008-10-23: sustainable financing policy
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Q 2008-10-07: a fishery certified as sustainable
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A 2008-08-10: Ich finde deine Übersetzung klingt schön. Mir wäre da nur "sustainable use...
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A 2008-03-25: sustainable ist glaube ich am besten...

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sustainable aviation fuel
sustainable boiler output
sustainable coffee farming
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sustainable fashion
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