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English-German translation for: sweet mustard
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Dictionary English German: sweet mustard

Translation 1 - 50 of 842  >>

NOUN   a sweet mustard | sweet mustards
gastr. sweet mustardKremser (Senf) {m} [österr.]
gastr. sweet mustardWeißwurstsenf {m}
Keywords contained
gastr. (Bavarian) sweet mustardSüßer Senf {m}
Partial Matches
med. Mustard's / Mustard operationMustard-Operation {f}
med. Sweet's / Sweet syndrome <SS>Sweet-Syndrom {n}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
Acoraceen {pl}
bot. T
gastr. mustardMostert {m} [nordwestd. für: Senf]
gastr. mustardMostrich {m} [regional für: Senf]
gastr. mustardSenf {m}
gastr. mustardSpeisesenf {m}
bot. T
bot. T
mustard [colour]Senfgelb {n}
mustard (yellow) {adj}senffarben
mustard yellow {adj}senfgelb
FoodInd. gastr. beer mustardBiersenf {m}
FoodInd. gastr. Dijon (mustard)Dijon {m} [selten für: Dijonsenf]
FoodInd. gastr. Dijon mustardDijonsenf {m}
gastr. dry mustardSenfmehl {n}
gastr. English mustardEnglischer Senf {m}
gastr. fig mustardFeigensenf {m}
gastr. fruit mustardObstsenf {m}
FoodInd. gastr. granary mustardkörniger Senf {m}
FoodInd. gastr. honey mustardHonigsenf {m}
gastr. hot mustardscharfer Senf {m}
gastr. mild mustardsüßer Senf {m}
mustard blobSenfklecks {m}
FoodInd. mustard bucketSenfeimer {m}
gastr. mustard flourSenfmehl {n}
mil. mustard gasGelbkreuz {n} [Senfgas]
mil. mustard gasLost {m} [Senfgas als Kampfstoff]
mil. mustard gasMustardgas {n} [selten]
mil. mustard gasSenfgas {n}
mil. mustard gasYperit {n}
gastr. mustard jarSenfglas {n}
mustard leavesSenfblätter {pl}
agr. hist. mustard millSenfmühle {f}
gastr. mustard oilSenföl {n}
gastr. mustard pickleSenfgurke {f}
med. mustard plasterSenfpflaster {n}
mustard potSenftopf {m}
med. mustard poulticeSenfpackung {f} [Umschlag]
med. mustard poulticeSenfumschlag {m}
gastr. mustard powderSenfpulver {n}
FoodInd. mustard productionSenfherstellung {f}
gastr. mustard sauceSenfsauce {f}
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