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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: swing-out
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Dictionary English German: swing out

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SYNO   to sweep | to swing | to swing out
swing-out {adj}ausschwenkbar
tech. to swing outabschwenken
to swing outausklappen
to swing outausschwenken
tech. to swing outherausklappen
tech. to swing outaufklappen [ausschwenken]
to swing out [car]ausscheren
to swing sth. out of the wayetw. wegschwenken
Unverified to swing (out) to the left / rightnach links / rechts umschwenken
Partial Matches
agr. hist. Swing Riots [also: Swing riots]Swing-Aufstände {pl}
hist. mus. pol. Swing Kids {pl} [in Nazi Germany]Swing-Jugend {f} [oppositionelle Jugendkultur im Dritten Reich]
mus. swing eraSwing-Ära {f}
pol. swing stateSwing State {m} [Staat mit wechselnder Wählermehrheit]
lit. F Swing Time [Zadie Smith]Swing Time
mus. swingSwing {m}
to swingschaukeln
to swingschwenken
to swingschwingen
swingSchaukel {f}
swingSchwingen {n}
swingSchwung {m}
econ. swingSpielraum {m}
swingUmschwung {m}
to swingbaumeln [ugs.]
to swingsich drehen
swingzinsloser Überziehungskredit {m}
pol. swing [Br.]Stimmungsumschwung {m}
swing [fig.]Ruck {m}
swing [swivel]Schwenk {m}
to swing apartauseinanderschwenken
to swing backzurückschwenken
to swing backzurückschwingen
to swing forwardvorschwingen
tech. to swing offabschwenken
to swing offausschwingen
to swing openaufschwenken
to swing shutzuschwenken
baby swingBabyschaukel {f}
sports backward swingRückschwung {m}
boat swingSchiffschaukel {f}
furn. canopy swingHollywoodschaukel {f}
econ. downward swingAbschwung {m}
flying swingKettenkarussell {n}
audio frequency swingFrequenzhub {m}
garden swingGartenschaukel {f}
furn. garden swingHollywoodschaukel {f}
sports giant swingRiesenfelge {f}
sports long swingLangschwung {m}
toys monkey swingAffenschaukel {f}
psych. mood swingGemütsschwankung {f}
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swing sb. around (hard)

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