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English-German translation for: switched
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Dictionary English German: switched

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
VERB  to switch | switched | switched ... 
switched {past-p}
switched {adj} {past-p}
sb. switched
jd. schaltete
2 Words
telecom. circuit-switched {adj}leitungsvermittelt
telecom. line-switched {adj}leitungsvermittelt
non-switched {adj}fest verbunden
packet-switched {adj}paketvermittelt
permanently switched {adj}festgeschaltet
electr. switched in {adj} {past-p}zwischengeschaltet
switched off {adj} {past-p}abgeschaltet
switched off {adj} {past-p}ausgeschaltet
switched off {adj} {past-p} [lights etc.]ausgeknipst [ugs.]
switched on {adj} {past-p}angeknipst
switched on {adj} {past-p}eingeschaltet
switched to {past-p} [jobs, courses etc.]umgesattelt [ugs.] [auf]
electr. switched currentSchaltstrom {m}
switched lineWählleitung {f}
electr. switched powerSchaltleistung {f}
electr. switched voltageSchaltspannung {f}
3 Words
telecom. non-switched lineStandleitung {f}
non-switched lineStandverbindung {f}
non-switched linefestgeschaltete Verbindung {f}
packet switched networkPaketvermittlungsnetz {n}
comp. packet-switched networkpaketvermitteltes Netzwerk {n}
4 Words
telecom. public switched telephone network <PSTN>Fernsprechnetz {n} [leitungsvermitteltes Telefonnetz]
telecom. public switched telephone network <PSTN>öffentliches Telekommunikationsnetz {n}
electr. switched-mode power supply <SMPS>Schaltnetzteil {n} <SNT>
5+ Words
tech. ... and prevent unit from being switched on accidentally.... und Gerät gegen unbeabsichtigtes Einschalten sichern.
FireResc with blue lights switched on {adv} [e.g. police cars]mit eingeschaltetem Blaulicht [z. B. Polizeiwagen]
tech. to be ready to be switched oneinschaltbereit sein [betriebsbereit]
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A 2022-06-22: Illustration: 5 A switched socket-outlet to BS 546 / 15 A switched socket-...
A 2017-04-24: Lacking any real intelligence, Google artificially switched my search term...
A 2017-01-04: hard switched
A 2016-08-04: ich habe noch Platten von Walter Carlos "Switched on Bach", "Barock Revolu...
Q 2014-05-10: to be switched on
A 2013-09-18: I have switched my entry to match Wenz's suggestion
A 2012-05-27: can be switched off
A 2011-04-25: http://www.screwfix.com/p/switched-extension-leads/29898
A 2011-03-16: I have the feeling that switched mode could work here, thanks Kornelius!
A 2009-05-11: Mir kömmt vor: entweder +when the supply is switched off+ oder +when the s...
A 2009-03-15: FYI, it was "the United States are ..." until after the Civil War, when th...
A 2009-01-20: After initially studying X, he switched to Y and graduated in ...with [an ...
A 2008-11-30: ... leave a space of 30 cm ..... above the infrared heat lamp ..... leav...
A 2007-10-17: ? frosted glass that may be switched in place ensures a snug ambience
A 2007-10-01: We have switched from cameralistic accounting (governmental budgetary acco...
A 2006-09-29: At power failure the machine switches off, but at power recovery it is not...
A 2006-08-19: Grammar went out of fashion when language teachers switched from the presc...
Q 2005-11-14: Patenttext über Lasergerät (E-D) "Q-switched CO2 laser"
A 2005-10-19: Schaltausgang > switched / switching output, relay output
A 2005-09-14: switched (einschalten)

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