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English-German translation for: synovial bursae of the hand
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synovial bursae of the hand in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: synovial bursae of the hand

Translation 1 - 50 of 95057  >>

anat. synovial bursae of the handSchleimbeutel {pl} der Hand
Partial Matches
med. VetMed. inflammation of the synovial membrane [synovitis]Entzündung {f} der Gelenkinnenhaut [der Membrana synovialis]
It's a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand's doing. [idiom]Das ist so ein Fall, wo die rechte Hand nicht weiß, was die linke tut. [Redewendung]
anat. bursaeBursae {pl}
anat. bursaeSchleimbeutel {pl}
anat. back of the handHandrücken {m}
anat. ball of the handHandballen {m}
anat. creases of the handHandlinien {pl}
med. fracture of the handHandfraktur {f}
relig. Hand of the CreatorSchöpferhand {f}
movement of the handHandbewegung {f}
anat. muscles of the handHandmuskeln {pl}
anat. palm (of the hand)Hohlhand {f}
anat. palm of the handHandteller {m}
side of the handHandkante {f}
squeeze of the handHanddruck {m}
wave of the handWinken {n} mit der Hand
withdrawal of the handZurückziehen {n} der Hand
zool. genital bursaeGonadenhöhlen {pl} [Stachelhäuter]
to grease the hand of sb.jdn. bestechen
dapper wave of the handflinke Handbewegung {f}
med. flaccid drop of the handFallhand {f}
anat. flexor retinaculum (of the hand)Retinaculum flexorum {n}
anat. dorsum of (the) hand [dorsum manus]Handrücken {m}
anat. palm (of the hand) [Palma manus]Handinnenfläche {f}
anat. palm of the hand [Palma manus]Handfläche {f}
the size of a hand {adj} [postpos.]handgroß
to advance the hand of a clockden Zeiger voranrücken
econ. philos. invisible hand-of-the-market theoryTheorie {f} der unsichtbaren Hand [auch: Invisible-Hand-Theorie]
transp. left-hand side of the roadlinke Straßenseite {f}
pol. policy of a / the steady handPolitik {f} der ruhigen Hand
transp. right-hand side of the roadrechte Straßenseite {f}
to show the hand of sb. [an artist]jds. Handschrift zeigen [fig.] [eines Malers, Architekten etc.]
in the hollow of one's handin der hohlen Hand
to aspire to the hand of a womandie Hand einer Frau anstreben
to hand over the reins (of power) [idiom]die Zügel aus der Hand geben [fig.] [Redewendung]
weapons to pull the pin (of a hand grenade)den Stift (einer Handgranate) ziehen
to strike with the flat of the handmit der flachen Hand schlagen
support for the heel of the handHandballenstütze {f}
lit. F The Sure Hand of God [Erskine Caldwell]Gottes unfehlbare Hand [1950] / In Gottes sicherer Hand
as if by the hand of a ghost {adv}wie von Geisterhand [Redewendung]
to die at the hand / hands of a murdererdurch / von Mörderhand sterben
film lit. F Bill of the Black Hand: A Tall StoryKai aus der Kiste [Roman: Wolf Durian; Film: Theo Mezger]
hist. relig. prayer of the lifting of the hand [Babylonian religion]Handerhebungsgebet {n}
relig. prayers of the lifting of the hand [Babylonian religion]Handerhebungsgebete {pl}
sth. can be counted on the fingers of one handetw. lässt sich an einer Hand abzählen
to know sth. like the back of one's hand [idiom]etw. wie seine Westentasche kennen [Redewendung]
to eat out of / from the palm of sb.'s hand [idiom]jdm. aus der Hand fressen [fig.] [Redewendung]
to have / hold sb. in the palm of one's hand [idiom]jdn. fest im Griff haben [fig.] [z. B. das Publikum] [Redewendung]
to have / hold sb. in the palm of one's hand [idiom]jdn. voll unter Kontrolle haben
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