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English-German translation for: synovial tendon sheaths
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: synovial tendon sheaths

Translation 1 - 50 of 93  >>

anat. synovial tendon sheaths [Vaginae synovialis tendinis]Sehnenscheiden {pl}
Partial Matches
anat. biol. long head of the biceps tendon <LHBT, LHB tendon>lange Bizepssehne {f} <LBS>
anat. biol. short head of the biceps tendon <SHBT, SHB tendon>kurze Bizepssehne {f} <KBS>
anat. supraspinatus tendon <SSP tendon>Supraspinatussehne {f} <SSP-Sehne>
sheathsFutterale {pl}
MedTech. sheathsSchäfte {pl}
synovial {adj}synovial
anat. (synovial) bursaSchleimbeutel {m}
med. synovial cystSynovialzyste {f}
med. synovial cystÜberbein {n} [ugs.] [Ganglion]
anat. synovial fluidGelenksflüssigkeit {f}
anat. biol. synovial fluidSynovialflüssigkeit {f}
med. synovial herniaSynovialhernie {f}
anat. synovial membraneSynovialmembran {f}
med. synovial chondromatosis <SC>synoviale Chondromatose {f} <SC>
med. synovial osteochondromatosis <SOC>synoviale Osteochondromatose {f} <SOC>
med. synovial fold [Plica synovialis]Synovialfalte {f}
anat. synovial membrane [Membrana synovialis]Gelenkinnenhaut {f}
anat. biol. synovial sheath [Vagina synovialis]Synovialscheide {f}
med. facet joint (synovial) cystFacettengelenkzyste {f}
med. facet joint (synovial) cystintraspinale Facettzyste {f} [Facettengelenkzyste]
anat. synovial joint [Articulatio / Junctura synovialis]echtes Gelenk {n} [bewegliche Verbindung benachbarter Knochen]
anat. synovial bursae of the handSchleimbeutel {pl} der Hand
anat. zool. synovial membrane [Membrana synovialis, Stratum synoviale]Gelenkmembran {f} [Synovialis]
anat. zool. synovial membrane [Membrana synovialis, Stratum synoviale]Gelenkschleimhaut {f} [Synovialis]
anat. zool. synovial membrane [Membrana synovialis, Stratum synoviale]Synovialschleimhaut {f} [Synovialis]
anat. zool. synovial stratum [Membrana synovialis, Stratum synoviale]Synovialgewebe {n} [Synovialis]
anat. zool. synovial stratum [Membrana synovialis, Stratum synoviale]Synovialis {f}
med. VetMed. inflammation of the synovial membrane [synovitis]Entzündung {f} der Gelenkinnenhaut [der Membrana synovialis]
gastr. tendonFlachse {f} [österr., bayer.: Flechse]
anat. gastr. tendonFlechse {f} [Sehne]
anat. tendonSehne {f}
constr. tendonSpannglied {n}
anat. tendonTendo {m}
anchoring tendonAnkerzugglied {n}
constr. bar tendonSpannstab {m}
anat. biceps tendonBizepssehne {f}
med. dehydrated tendonausgetrocknete Sehne {f}
anat. extensor tendonStrecksehne {f}
anat. flexor tendonFlexorsehne {f}
anat. muscle tendonMuskelsehne {f}
med. pulled tendonSehnenzerrung {f}
constr. strand tendonLitzenspannglied {n}
zool. tendon bootSehnengamasche {f}
constr. tech. tendon failureSpanngliedversagen {n}
med. MedTech. tendon hammerReflexhammer {m}
med. tendon injurySehnenverletzung {f}
med. tendon lacerationSehnenanriss {m}
constr. tendon profileSpanngliedverlauf {m}
med. tendon reflexesSehnenreflexe {pl}
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