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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: t-PA
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Dictionary English German: t PA

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curr. Tongan Pa'anga <T$, PT>Tongaischer Pa'anga {m} <T$, PT> [Tonga-Dollar]
biochem. tissue-type plasminogen activator <tPA, t-PA>gewebespezifischer Plasminogenaktivator {m}
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Search time: 0.006 sec
A 2020-10-27: Doesn't technical terminology vary quite a bit among workmen / in differen...
A 2017-01-11: I have no idea and it doesn't particularly interest me.
A 2016-08-04: @ Sabina1378 Are you sure +rock+ isn't part of the name of the company?
A 2016-07-21: I don't think +best part of the night+ makes sense here.
A 2015-10-27: +A stroke on the front+ isn't particularly idiomatic, but is more understa...
A 2015-04-02: He hadn't paid his rent.
A 2015-02-25: Can't pass judgement on +bekanntmachen,+ but from Webster's Synonyms:
A 2015-01-20: isn't it all a fluent passage .... ?? eh, anyway, anyhow, as it is, alre...
A 2014-11-28: Sorry, but Idea's idea doesn't parse
A 2014-11-09: Wach t parade
A 2014-09-11: Sorry, can't parse your German heading
A 2014-07-02: I would use can rather than couldn't because the first part is in the pres...
A 2013-07-13: If the first part of the sentence isn't supposed to be quite so dramatic, ...
A 2013-05-16: Don't panic - my gibe of 01:11 referred just to the typo
A 2013-01-08: Schuss(e)lig is not part of my active vocabulary (I can't say I've heard/r...
A 2012-03-26: Note that "bad debt" for "debt you can't or won't pay off" is colloquial u...
A 2012-03-02: Those surely aren't part of the same letter!
A 2012-01-26: Agree with Joanne, but Paris is not the only place it doesn't get translat...
A 2011-12-09: It's tricky to give an exact region, because the recording isn't particula...
A 2011-06-15: Not particularly - but then I don't have to deal with cats or cat sick ;-)

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