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English-German translation for: t.
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Dictionary English German: t

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NOUN   a T | Ts
SYNO   T | t | thymine ... 
T'rah! [Br.] [coll.] [rare for: Tarah!]
Tschüss! [ugs.]
unit tera- {prefix} <T> [10 ^ 12]
Tera- <T>
[I] ain't [coll.] [am not][ich] bin nicht
[I] couldn't [would not be able][ich] könnte nicht
[they] couldn't [were not able][sie] konnten nicht
[we/they/you] ain't [coll. or hum.] [aren't][wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht
[we/they/you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. we ain't heard that][wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht [Partizip]
[we/they/you] aren't [are not][wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht
[we/they/you] can't [cannot][wir/sie/Sie] können nicht
[we/they/you] couldn't [would not be able][wir/sie/Sie] könnten nicht
[we/they/you] don't[wir/sie/Sie] tun nicht
[we/they/you] haven't[wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht
[we/they/you] mustn't[wir/sie/Sie] dürfen nicht
[we/they/you] weren't [were not][wir/sie/Sie] waren nicht
[with full title (of a person)]pleno titulo <P. T. / p. t.> [bes. österr.] [veraltet]
[you] ain't [coll.] [aren't][du] bist nicht
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [aren't][ihr] seid nicht
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?][du] hast nicht [Partzip]
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?][ihr] habt nicht [Partzip]
[you] can't [cannot][du] kannst nicht
[you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people][ihr] könnt nicht
[you] couldn't [would not be able][du] könntest nicht
[you] couldn't [would not be able][ihr] könntet nicht
[you] mustn't[du] darfst nicht
[you] mustn't [said to two or more people][ihr] dürft nicht
[you] shouldn't[du] sollst nicht
amn't [Scot.] [Irish]bin nicht
Don't!Tu das nicht!
Don't! [said to one person]Tu's nicht!
Don't! [said to one person]Tu es nicht!
Don't! [said to two or more people]Tut es nicht!
partial {adj}zum Teil <z. T.>
partially {adv}zum Teil <z. T.>
partly {adv}zum Teil <z. T.>
sb. cain't [Am.] [phonetic spelling of Southern US pronunciation of can't]jd. kann nicht
sb. can't [cannot]jd. kann nicht
sb. couldn't [was not able]jd. konnte nicht
sb. couldn't [would not be able]jd. könnte nicht
sb. daren'tjd. wagt nicht
sb. didn'tjd. tat nicht
sb. mustn'tjd. darf nicht
sb. oughtn'tjd. sollte nicht
sb. shan't [shall not]jd. will nicht
sb. shan't [shall not]jd. wird nicht
sb. won't [will not]jd. will nicht
sb. won't [will not]jd. wird nicht
sb. wouldn'tjd. würde nicht
sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard or hum.] [isn't]jd./etw. ist nicht
sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard] [hasn't]jd./etw. hat nicht
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A 2024-10-06: I don't know about the EN. Thirtieth regulation?? German explanation:
Q 2024-09-10: Please don't tag something as Br., NZ, etc. unless you have a credible source
Q 2024-08-25: When other contributors don't listen to reason?
A 2024-06-10: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22blockmaking+company%22+printing&t=h_&start=1&ia=web
Q 2024-05-25: He wouldn't give it a house-room. ??
A 2024-04-18: In fact, there are numerous hits from UK gov't websites. Definitely not en...
A 2024-01-04: I don't think so
A 2023-11-17: Don’t bother to flag up unofficial translations in argument
A 2023-11-04: I'm afraid I don't have any specialist knowledge. Just a hunch based on a ...
A 2023-09-28: Don’t spend time analysing Wiki articles.
A 2023-09-20: I still don't see a problem.
A 2023-09-19: Many different regions and dialects included. I don't see the problem.
Q 2023-09-14: Derna flooding: THEY SAW IT COMING, DIDN'T THEY?
A 2023-07-15: Yes, matter of interpretation. Reminds me of 'Et tu Brute?' 'Naw, I ain't ...
A 2023-07-11: This word doesn't exist in German.
A 2023-07-03: There are lots of idioms that can be used in more formal writing, and othe...
A 2023-07-01: it's an expression of mild surprise: "you wouldn't have thought so but he ...
A 2023-06-02: Or in a Harlem youth's beloved triple negative: "He don't give no shit abo...
A 2023-05-28: Ah yes, in contracts, legal use and the like (the insured), I didn't think...
A 2023-05-28: I can't think of a situation where it would be used for a single person.

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