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English-German translation for: tablets
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Dictionary English German: tablets

Translation 1 - 18 of 18

English German
NOUN   a tablet | tablets
NOUN   das Tablet | die Tablets
Tabletten {pl}
2 Words
pharm. chewable tabletsKautabletten {pl}
archaeo. clay tabletsTontafeln {pl}
pharm. cough tabletsHustentabletten {pl}
pharm. effervescent tabletsBrausetabletten {pl}
med. pharm. indigestion tabletsVerdauungstabletten {pl}
pharm. iodine tabletsJodtabletten {pl}
pharm. vitamin tabletsVitamintabletten {pl}
pharm. zinc tabletsZinktabletten {pl}
3 Words
med. course of tabletsTablettenkur {f}
pharm. potassium iodate tabletsKaliumiodattabletten {pl} [auch: Kaliumiodat-Tabletten]
pharm. potassium iodide tabletsKaliumjodidtabletten {pl}
relig. Tablets of StoneGesetzestafeln {pl} [Moses]
water purification tabletsWasserreinigungstabletten {pl}
4 Words
med. course of malaria tabletsMalariaprophylaxe {f} [Therapie]
pharm. intake of fluoride tabletsEinnahme {f} von Fluoridtabletten
bibl. relig. Tablets of (the) Law [Moses]Gesetzestafeln {pl} [Moses]
5+ Words
to be set in tablets of stone [Br.] [idiom]in Stein gemeißelt sein [Redewendung]
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A 2021-12-02: +mobile apps+ sind die Programme, die auf Tablets und Mobiltelefonen laufen.
A 2015-08-07: Mobilgeräte sind auch Tablets wie iPad etc., daher is "App fürs Handy" besser.
A 2012-01-30: they HAD tablets (temporarily as a special offer)
A 2012-01-30: ALDI has tablets?
Q 2011-07-04: Tablets are...screens.
A 2011-02-14: Are these blister packs like the ones tablets come in, or like the ones ba...
A 2011-02-14: I assume it's blister packs (like tablets) -
A 2011-01-10: take single tablets from a blister card / pack / package OR sell single ta...
Q 2010-06-21: What should a breast-feeding woman has to consider who wants to use this t...
A 2009-01-14: Interrupt taking the pills / tablets once a week
A 2009-01-14: (Note:) One day of each week, do not take the tablets!
A 2009-01-14: Taking the tablets is to be intercepted on one day of the week.
A 2008-07-03: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22dehydration+tablets%22&btnG=Goog...
A 2008-02-28: This is why the (ivory) tablets were reconstituted as adornments of a book...
Q 2008-01-11: begin a course of Tamifu tablets as a precaution
A 2007-11-18: The mind boggles at clay tablets being rolled up as scrolls ;-))))
A 2007-11-14: The tablets (each) contain x mg active ingredient.
A 2007-11-06: Sample tablets and sample review???
A 2007-08-04: taken literally (ie tablets, medicine) - let dissolve (completely) under t...
A 2007-06-20: http://www.sleeping-tablets.com/deutsch/stilnox-cr.htm?PHPSESSID=e0ee3f836...

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