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English-German translation for: take in
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Dictionary English German: take in

Translation 1 - 50 of 253  >>

English German
SYNO   to adopt | to take in | to absorb ... 
to take actionin Aktion treten
to take actionMaßnahmen in die Wege leiten
to take alarmin Angst geraten
to take chargedas Heft des Handelns in die Hand nehmen [Redewendung]
to take cover [idiom]in Deckung gehen [Redewendung]
to take effectin Kraft treten
to take guardin Verteidigungsstellung gehen
to take in [acquire]hereinnehmen
travel to take in [guests]aufnehmen [Kurgäste etc.]
to take in [ingest, gather]aufnehmen [zu sich nehmen, auch begreifen, Eindrücke aufnehmen]
to take in [ingest, swallow]einnehmen
to take in [of fabric or clothing, make narrower]abnähen [enger machen]
to take in [of fabric or clothing, make narrower]enger machen
to take in [to house]unterbringen [beherbergen]
to take in sth. [nourishment, calories]etw.Akk. zu sich nehmen
to take in sth. [understand, grasp]etw.Akk. begreifen
to take patiencesich in Geduld fassen
mil. to take positionsin Stellung gehen
to take sb. (in) [coll.] [deceive]jdn. anschwindeln [ugs.]
to take sb. injdn. blenden [beeindrucken]
law to take sb. injdn. festnehmen
to take sb. in [accommodate, receive as a guest]jdn. (bei sichDat.) aufnehmen
to take sb. in [cheat, deceive]jdn. beschwindeln
to take sb. in [cheat, deceive]jdn. betrügen
to take sb. in [cheat, fool, deceive]jdn. hereinlegen [ugs.]
to take sb. in [coll.]jdn. prellen
to take sb. in [coll.] [fool]jdn. leimen [ugs.] [hereinlegen]
to take shelterin Deckung gehen
to take sth. apartetw. in seine Teile zerlegen
cloth. to take sth. inetw. verengern
to take sth. inetw.Akk. in sichDat. aufnehmen
to take sth. inetw.Akk. auf sichAkk. wirken lassen
to take sth. in [comprehend]etw. erfassen [begreifen]
to take sth. in [esp. Br.] [to subscribe to sth., a newspaper, magazine, etc.]etw. abonnieren [Zeitung, Zeitschrift usw.] [auch: auf etw. abonniert sein]
to take sth. in [grasp mentally]etw. auffassen [mit dem Verstand erfassen]
to take sth. in [surroundings etc.]etw. wahrnehmen [Umgebung etc.]
to take sth. in [to understand sth.]etw.Akk. begreifen
to take sth. in [visit or attend] [place or event]etw. besuchen [Ort oder Veranstaltung]
to take sth. onetw.Akk. in Angriff nehmen [Redewendung]
to take sth. wronglyetw.Akk. in den falschen Hals bekommen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [missverstehen]
take-inTäuschung {f} [Betrug, Schwindel]
to take (over) controldas Heft in die Hand nehmen [Redewendung]
to take a backseatin den Hintergrund treten
to take a leak [coll.] [idiom]eine Stange Wasser in die Ecke stellen [Redewendung] [ugs., hum.: urinieren]
econ. fin. to take a losseinen Verlust in Kauf nehmen
to take account of sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. in Betracht ziehen
to take as securityin Pfand nehmen
to take back (to sth.)(in etw.Akk.) zurückversetzen
to take care of sb./sth. [idiom]sichAkk. vor etw.Dat. in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]
to take charge ofin Verwahrung nehmen
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A 2018-03-03: +desert+ for +dessert:+ either a common mistake in English or a typo #887844
A 2017-07-27: Soory there is a mistake in my first question
A 2017-06-13: take in a package
Q 2017-03-03: Possibly a mistake in the entry "den Rekord aufstellen"
A 2016-10-23: to take into stock
A 2015-10-19: Odd mistake in the copy-and-paste part: ... gerufen +vom+ Mutterleib an ...
A 2015-09-14: take in?
Q 2014-05-22: When do I use "consider" and when do I use "take into account"?
A 2014-04-05: Frequent native-speaker mistake in German: Using +sie / ihr / ihre+ etc. w...
A 2014-04-04: If there is a mistake in something written,
A 2013-06-30: Sorry, clear now, I am slow on the uptake in German ...
A 2013-04-17: Yes, this is a problem I forgot to take into consideration.
Q 2012-11-15: take information
A 2012-10-19: take into account/consideration ....
Q 2012-09-01: Mistake in sentence
A 2012-06-22: ? put a stake in the ground
A 2012-05-22: Following the KISS principle, I'm gonna take in-cognito's solution.
A 2012-04-11: hier: umsetzen = berücksichtigen - to bear in mind / to consider / to take...
A 2012-01-08: I think +not emphasized+ is a mistake in the English version.
A 2011-11-24: Yes, it is okay if you take into consideration the 25% discount in the com...

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