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Dictionary English German: taking

Translation 1 - 50 of 225  >>

English German
ADJ   taking | more taking | most taking
NOUN1   taking | -
NOUN2   a taking | takings
VERB  to take | took | taken
taking | takes
SYNO   pickings | taking | fetching | winning
taking {adj} [manners etc.]
einnehmend [gewinnend, sympathisch]
taking sth. {adj} {pres-p}
etw. nehmend
taking {adj} [person]
taking {adj} [manners, ways]
fin. mil. pharm. taking
Einnahme {f}
photo. taking
Aufnahme {f}
Abnahme {f} [Entfernen]
Entnahme {f}
Wegnahme {f}
2 Words: Others
breath-taking {adj}atemberaubend
profit-taking {adj}gewinnmitnehmend
taking aim {adj} {pres-p}visierend [zielend]
taking alongmitnehmend
taking apartauseinandernehmend
taking apart {adj}auseinandernehmend [alt]
taking awayfortschaffend
taking backzurücknehmend
taking downabhängend
taking frightscheuend
taking fromhernehmend
taking holdzugreifend
cloth. taking in {adj}abnähend
taking in {adj}hereinlegend
aviat. taking off {adj}abfliegend
taking outherausnehmend
taking overübernehmend
taking snuffschnupfend
taking therehinbringend
taking upaufgreifend
2 Words: Nouns
med. blood takingBlutentnahme {f}
bribe-takingAnnahme {f} von Schmiergeld
deposit takingHereinnahme {f} von Einlagen
drugs drug takingEinnehmen {n} von Drogen / Rauschgift
drug-takingDrogeneinnahme {f}
drugs drug-takingDrogenkonsum {m}
hostage-takingGeiselnahme {f}
photo. image takingBildaufnahme {f}
dent. impression takingAbdrucknahme {f}
leave-takingAbschied {m}
leave-takingVerabschiedung {f}
leave-taking [act]Abschiednehmen {n}
oath takingEidesleistung {f}
econ. order takingAuftragsannahme {f}
photo. picture takingBildaufnahme {f}
profit takingGewinnmitnahme {f}
profit takingErzielung {f} von Gewinnen
risk takingÜbernahme {f} von Risiken
risk-takingRisikobereitschaft {f}
sociol. role-takingRollenübernahme {f}
tech. sample takingProbeentnahme {f}
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A 2022-09-10: @renbyska: Thanks a lot for taking the trouble to thouroughly go into this!
A 2018-05-17: What is your course of study? What courses are you taking?
A 2018-05-03: criterion which was used (as a basis) for taking the decision
A 2017-11-27: Hmm. I see "following" as something akin to "taking the formula of ... as ...
Q 2017-09-03: Thank you for taking the time to do something
Q 2017-01-13: taking it as far as you can
A 2016-12-14: Under arrest: The heir was booked ... after being caught drink driving --...
A 2016-10-02: +Or most likely, simply: Beneficiary+ You are right, taking the word in it...
A 2016-07-10: Alongside development of the novel, TM's arduous change of direction towar...
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Q 2015-12-13: Komplizierter Kfz-Text mit Marketingelementen (Abgabe Mittwoch, 16.12.2015...
A 2015-11-10: Taking another look
A 2015-06-16: Interesting 2010 article about the author's ideas taking root in Spain.
A 2015-06-04: But don't say A-levels unless you are actually taking A-levels :-)
A 2015-04-20: Not taking no for an answer in adultery? Please cf. #795263
A 2014-12-06: In other words, is taking the piss out of dict.cc perfectly good form?
A 2014-11-18: This obligation also applies to taking on other tasks, depending/dependent...
A 2014-10-24: good business conditions for taking a share in the company
Q 2014-10-03: will take vs will be taking

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