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English-German translation for: talks
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Dictionary English German: talks

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NOUN   a talk | talks
VERB  to talk | talked | talked
talking | talks
SYNO   dialogue | negotiation | talks
sb. talks
jd. redet
sb. talksjd. erzählt
sb. talksjd. spricht
Gespräche {pl}
Besprechungen {pl}
talks [formal discussions or negotiations]
Verhandlungen {pl}
2 Words: Others
proverb Money talks.Das Geld macht's.
proverb Money talks.Geld ist Macht.
proverb Money talks. [coll.]Geld regiert die Welt.
proverb Money talks. [coll.]Mit Geld geht alles.
sb. talks gibberishjd. kaudert [regional, sonst veraltet]
sb. talks politicsjd. politisiert
2 Words: Verbs
to hold talksGespräche führen
to resume talksGespräche wieder aufnehmen
2 Words: Nouns
pol. accession talksBeitrittsverhandlungen {pl}
acquisition talksÜbernahmegespräche {pl}
advance talksVorgespräche {pl}
pol. ambassadorial talksBotschaftergespräche {pl}
mil. armistice talksWaffenstillstandsverhandlungen {pl}
bilateral talksbilaterale Gespräche {pl}
mil. pol. ceasefire talksWaffenstillstandsverhandlungen {pl}
pol. coalition talksKoalitionsgespräche {pl}
confidential talksvertrauliche Gespräche {pl}
pol. consensus talksKonsensgespräche {pl}
contract talksVertragsgespräche {pl}
core talksKerngespräche {pl}
pol. crisis talksKrisengespräche {pl}
econ. pol. crunch talksentscheidende Verhandlungen {pl}
defeatist talksmiesmacherische und entmutigende Gespräche {pl} [ugs.]
pol. development talksEntwicklungsgespräche {pl}
pol. direct talksdirekte Gespräche {pl}
mil. pol. disarmament talksAbrüstungsgespräche {pl}
mil. pol. disarmament talksAbrüstungsverhandlungen {pl}
econ. economic talksWirtschaftsgespräche {pl}
pol. emergency talksKrisengespräche {pl}
exploratory talksSondierungsgespräche {pl}
marathon talksMarathongespräche {pl}
mediation talksSchlichtungsgespräche {pl}
mediation talksVermittlungsgespräche {pl}
econ. merger talksFusionsgespräche {pl}
money talksWährungsgespräche {pl}
econ. jobs pol. pay talksLohnverhandlungen {pl}
econ. jobs pol. pay talksTarifverhandlungen {pl}
peace talksFriedensgespräche {pl}
mil. pol. peace talksFriedensverhandlungen {pl}
preliminary talksVorbesprechungen {pl}
preliminary talksVorgespräche {pl}
preparatory talksVorbereitungsgespräche {pl}
prolonged talksDauerverhandlungen {pl}
quadripartite talksVierergespräche {pl}
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Q 2022-08-27: soldiers and talks
A 2020-01-06: it predetermines / sets the framework / the agenda for the course of talks
A 2019-02-06: I like +contenT-related discussions / talks+
Q 2017-06-08: Fällt jemandem eine gute deutsche Entsprechung für “Money talks and bullsh...
A 2016-04-11: ... in which activities are predicated of Franz himself OR ... in which Fr...
A 2015-10-22: At best they are musing / thoughtful talks / speeches, at worst they are t...
A 2015-06-14: @Lisa: I was thinking about how someone talks.
A 2012-12-12: I would be happy/delighted if we get enter into talks on this subject/topi...
A 2012-10-15: honeymoon is over ....... talks are done and dusted, now it's/back to bus...
Q 2012-05-19: talks
A 2012-03-24: She / he talks about trains.:))
A 2012-03-16: An Object talks candidly about encapsulation
A 2011-11-26: Money talks
A 2010-11-24: I goes, I talks???
Q 2009-10-18: we exchanged nice talks and +much+ +wonder+
A 2009-03-13: design talks ??
A 2008-10-14: Im taking Absprache as talks here
A 2008-03-19: see, that is the problem - the text also talks about experiments,
A 2008-01-22: One talks about 'electricity lines being 'down' ...
A 2007-12-10: Talks over dinner

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