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English-German translation for: tartrate of iron
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Dictionary English German: tartrate of iron

Translation 1 - 50 of 64706  >>

chem. tartrate of ironEisentartrat {n}
Partial Matches
chem. iron tartrateEisentartrat {n}
chem. ferro-tartrate (of potassium) [Tartarus ferratus]Eisenweinstein {m}
chem. tartrateTartrat {n}
pharm. levalbuterol tartrateLevalbuterol-Tartrat {n}
pharm. metoprolol tartrateMetoprololtartrat {n}
chem. tartrate precipitationWeinsteinabscheidung {f}
chem. tartrate saltTartratsalz {n}
chem. tartrate stabilizationWeinsteinstabilisierung {f}
chem. potassium antimonyl tartrateBrechweinstein {m}
chem. potassium sodium tartrateNatronweinstein {m}
chem. FoodInd. calcium tartrate [E-354]Calciumtartrat {n}
chem. FoodInd. stearyl tartrate [E-483]Stearyltartrat {n}
chem. potassium antimonyl tartrate <PAT>Kaliumantimonyltartrat {n} <KAT>
chem. potassium hydrogen tartrate [KC4H5O6]Kaliumhydrogentartrat {n}
chem. FoodInd. sodium tartrate [C4H4Na2O6] [E-335]Natriumtartrat {n}
chem. FoodInd. potassium tartrate [K2C4H4O6, C4H4K2O6] [E-336]Kaliumtartrat {n}
chem. FoodInd. potassium sodium tartrate <PST> [E-337]Kaliumnatriumtartrat {n}
of iron {adj} [postpos.]stählern [Körper, Wille]
amount of ironEisenmenge {f}
carbide of ironZementit {m}
chem. chemistry of ironEisenchemie {f}
chem. mineral. concentration of ironEisenkonzentration {f}
med. excess of ironEisenüberschuss {m}
med. excess of ironÜberschuss {m} an Eisen
material grades of ironEisensorten {pl}
particles of ironEisenpartikel {pl}
piece of ironEisenstück {n}
scale of ironRost {m}
sheet of ironBlech {n}
sheet of ironEisenblech {n}
sheet of ironPlatte {f} [Blech, Eisenplatte]
chem. gastr. source of ironEisenquelle {f}
chem. traces of ironEisenspuren {pl}
types of ironEisensorten {pl}
will of iron [fig.]eiserner Wille {m} [fig.]
material free of cast iron {adj}graugussfrei
article of wrought ironArtikel {m} aus Schmiedeeisen
econ. iron law of wagesehernes Lohngesetz {n} [Ferdinand Lassalle]
piece of sheet ironStück {n} Blech
ind. material smelting of iron (ore)Eisenverhüttung {f}
mining vein of iron oreEisenader {f}
mining vein of iron oreEisengang {m}
hist. fall of the Iron CurtainFall {m} des Eisernen Vorhangs
tech. filings of iron or steelFeilspäne {pl} aus Eisen oder Stahl
hist. lifting of the Iron CurtainFall {m} des Eisernen Vorhangs
piece of wrought-iron workSchmiedearbeit {f}
film F Cross of Iron [Sam Peckinpah]Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz
hist. Grand Cross of the Iron CrossGroßkreuz {n} des Eisernen Kreuzes
hist. The Iron Crown of the Lombardsdie eiserne Krone {f} der Langobarden
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