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English-German translation for: taxes
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Dictionary English German: taxes

Translation 1 - 50 of 138  >>

English German
NOUN1   a tax | taxes
NOUN2   taxis | taxes
VERB  to tax | taxed | taxed
taxing | taxes
Steuern {pl}
Abgaben {pl}
admin. hist. taxes [tax assessments]
Schatzungen {pl} [veraltet] [Steuern]
taxes1 Staatsabgaben {pl}
taxes1 [espec. small, local ones]Taxen {pl} [Steuern]
2 Words: Others
acc. after taxes {adv}nach Steuerabzug
2 Words: Verbs
to abate taxesmindern
to abate taxesSteuern erlassen
to abolish taxesSteuern abschaffen
to collect taxesSteuern einnehmen
to collect taxesSteuern einziehen
to collect taxesSteuern erheben
fin. to commute taxesSteuerschulden ablösen
fin. to credit taxesSteuern anrechnen
fin. pol. to cut taxesSteuern senken
to evade taxesSteuern hinterziehen
econ. to gather taxesSteuern eintreiben
fin. to levy taxesSteuern erheben
admin. law to pay taxessteuern [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
admin. law to pay taxesSteuern bezahlen
admin. law to pay taxesSteuern zahlen
to raise taxesSteuern erheben
to raise taxesSteuern erhöhen
econ. pol. to raise taxes(die) Steuern hochsetzen [ohne Artikel nur in Schlagzeilen etc. gebräuchlich]
to reduce taxesdie Steuern senken
econ. pol. to up taxes [coll.]Steuern raufsetzen [ugs. für: Steuern erhöhen]
2 Words: Nouns
accrued taxesSteuerschuld {f}
accrued taxesangesammelte Steuerschulden {pl}
fin. back taxesSteuerschulden {pl}
fin. back taxes [Am.]Steuerrückstande {pl}
bin taxes [Br.]Müllgebühren {pl}
border taxesEinfuhrabgaben {pl}
fin. relig. church taxes {pl}Kirchensteuer {f}
acc. current taxestatsächliche Steuern {pl}
death taxes [Am.]Erbschaftssteuern {pl}
acc. fin. deferred taxesSteuerlatenzen {pl}
deferred taxeslatente Steuern {pl}
delinquent taxessäumige Steuern {pl}
fin. delinquent taxes [esp. Am.]Steuerrückstände {pl}
direct taxesdirekte Steuern {pl}
fin. hist. imperial taxesReichssteuern {pl} [Kaiserreich]
acc. fin. income taxesErtragssteuern {pl}
indirect taxesindirekte Steuern {pl}
law inheritance taxesErbschaftssteuern {pl} [Rsv.] [insb. in Österreich und der Schweiz]
law inheritance taxesErbschaftsteuern {pl}
internal taxesInlandssteuern {pl}
admin. fin. low taxestiefe Steuern {pl} [schweiz.]
municipal taxes [Am.]Gemeindeabgaben {pl}
parking taxesParkgebühren {pl}
fin. payroll taxes [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.]Lohnnebenkosten {pl}
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Q 2022-12-23: Steuerhinterziehung <> avoidance of taxes
Q 2021-08-06: to file taxes vs. to provide tax return
Q 2019-03-18: Dear h.klemp, All items will be dispatched from the UK and there won't be ...
Q 2019-02-20: accurate taxes
A 2018-12-11: Meine Meinung: inheritage taxes sind NICHT die Beerdigungskosten/Bestattun...
A 2017-10-17: Or else: international / mutual cooperation in the collection of taxes
Q 2015-11-02: Is it just taxes?
A 2015-10-14: (1) Deferred taxes are reported in the balance sheet as a net figure. *√* ...
A 2015-06-10: ? the state collects taxes
A 2014-12-06: Not sure there's any heightening. They're just suckling on the U.S. govern...
A 2014-10-02: ... the employer's share in taxes and contributions is calculated individually
A 2014-01-14: Less income from taxes but expenditure is already fixed/planned.
Q 2014-01-14: Taxes
Q 2013-04-23: to be gross of taxes
A 2013-04-20: Have they already abolished capital gains taxes?
A 2011-11-14: belangt > are subject to taxes > are taxed
A 2011-10-11: Thinking about taxes and the wealthy in the US
A 2011-10-04: ...contrast to taxes, have to take individual benefit entitlements into ac...
A 2011-10-04: ... are partly offset by ... This is not the case with taxes.
A 2011-03-09: That's a point of reference - in fact, they oughta pay you more, as you pa...

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