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English-German translation for: tea.
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Dictionary English German: tea

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NOUN1   a tea | teas
NOUN2   tea | -
SYNO   afternoon tea | tea | teatime | tea ... 
gastr. tea
Tee {m}
gastr. tea [Br.] [evening meal]
Abendessen {n}
gastr. tea [esp. Br.]
Vesper {n} [bes. südd.; auch {f}] [Zwischenmahlzeit am Nachmittag]
gastr. tea [Aus.] [NZ] [N. Engl.] [Scot.] [evening meal]
Essen {n} [Hauptmahlzeit am Abend]
gastr. tea [meal, esp. Br.]
Jause {f} [österr.]
drugs tea [sl.] [dated]
Marihuana {n}
caféTea Room {n} [schweiz. veraltend]
gastr. tea [esp. Br.]Zabig {m} {n} [schweiz.] [Zwischenmahlzeit am Nachmittag]
gastr. tea [esp. Br.] [light afternoon meal]Zvieri {m} {n} [schweiz.]
chem. tetraethylammonium <TEA>Tetraethylammonium {n} <TEA>
2 Words: Others
at tea {adv}beim Tee
tea-producing {adj}teeproduzierend
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to brew teaTee kochen
to brew teaTee machen
to have teaTee trinken
gastr. to have tea [afternoon meal]törkeln [Südtirol]
gastr. to have tea [Br.] [afternoon meal]vespern [bes. südd.]
gastr. to have tea [evening meal] [N.Eng.] [Scot.]zu Abend essen
to make teaTee kochen
to prefer teaTee vorziehen
to prefer teaTee lieber haben
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (tea) infuserTeesieb {n}
gastr. (tea) infuser [egg- or ball-shaped]Teeei {n}
afternoon teaFünfuhrtee {m}
afternoon teaNachmittagstee {m}
bagged teaBeuteltee {m}
gastr. barley teaGerstentee {m}
gastr. beef teaFleischbrühe {f}
gastr. beef teaKraftbrühe {f}
gastr. black teaSchwarztee {m}
gastr. black teaschwarzer Tee {m}
gastr. blackberry teaBrombeertee {m}
gastr. boba (tea)Bubble Tea {m} [auch: Bubble-Tea]
breakfast teaFrühstückstee {m}
gastr. brick teaZiegeltee {m}
gastr. bricklayers' tea [Br.][starker Tee mit Milch und Zucker]
pharm. bronchial teaBronchialtee {m}
gastr. bubble teaSchaumtee {m}
gastr. bubble teaBubble Tea {m}
builder's tea [Br.][üblicherweise starker schwarzer Tee mit Milch und Zucker]
gastr. builders' tea [Br.][starker Tee mit Milch und Zucker]
gastr. butter teaButtertee {m}
calming teaBeruhigungstee {m}
gastr. pharm. camomile tea [esp. Br.]Kamillentee {m}
drugs gastr. cannabis teaCannabistee {m}
Ceylon teaCeylontee {m}
gastr. pharm. chamomile tea [esp. Am.]Kamillentee {m}
gastr. China teachinesischer Tee {m}
pharm. cornsilk teaMaisbarttee {m}
pharm. cough teaHustentee {m}
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A 2021-08-23: @ MichaelK: a nice cup of tea isn't "brewed" either ...
A 2021-05-06: "tea" kann auch eine Mahlzeit sein (siehe sunfun) - I've finished cooking...
A 2020-12-26: “Tea money” is a common phrase, akin to small fee
A 2020-12-26: Tea money: bribe / ancient currency / communal kitty
A 2020-12-26: Tea money = Trinkgeld
A 2020-12-25: Hier was Brauchbares? https://www.abbreviations.com/serp.php?st=TEA&p=3
Q 2020-12-25: Was könnte hier "TEA" bedeuten?
A 2016-09-06: ... and let a package of tea bags [two words!?] waft towards them
A 2016-05-18: High tea
Q 2016-05-18: high tea luncheon
A 2016-03-26: Der Sex-Vergleich hinkt. Oder kann man den Briten über den Umweg "tea" etw...
A 2016-01-18: In Britain, tea bags don't tend to have the string and tag,
A 2015-06-04: maybe: It isn't the newcomer's cup of tea?
Q 2015-04-22: Green Tea
Q 2015-04-08: tea stall
A 2015-02-14: Tea towel etc.
A 2015-02-03: What (not) to bring for tea in Australia
Q 2015-02-02: BE - tea, dinner, supper
A 2015-01-29: Latest fad: the terrorist tea pot +(move the cursor across the pot)+
A 2014-11-23: not my cup of tea

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