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Dictionary English German: teach

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VERB  to teach | taught | taught ... 
SYNO   Blackbeard | Edward Teach ... 
to teach
educ. to teach
to teach sb. sth.
jdm. etw. beibringen [lehren]
educ. to teach
educ. to teach sth. [subject]
etw. geben [Unterrichtsfach]
to teach
to teach sb. sth. [e.g. how to do a job]jdn. zu etw.Dat. anleiten
2 Words: Verbs
educ. to substitute teachsupplieren [österr.]
educ. to teach (sb.) values(jdm.) Werte vermitteln
dance educ. to teach danceTanzunterricht geben
educ. to teach EnglishEnglisch geben
educ. to teach EnglishEnglisch unterrichten
educ. to teach EnglishEnglischunterricht geben
educ. to teach GermanDeutsch geben
educ. to teach GermanDeutsch unterrichten
educ. to teach GermanDeutschunterricht geben
to teach oneself sth.sichDat. etw. selbst beibringen [eine Sprache, das Schwimmen etc.]
to teach sb. about sth.jdn. über etw.Akk. belehren
to teach sb. mannersjdm. gute Manieren beibringen
2 Words: Nouns
educ. pol. teach-inTeach-in {n} [ugs.] [Zusammenkunft zur politischen Diskussion über Missstände o. Ä.]
3 Words: Verbs
to teach sb. a lesson [also fig.]jdm. eine Lehre erteilen [auch fig.]
to teach sb. a lesson [also fig.]jdm. eine Lektion erteilen [geh.] [auch fig.]
to teach sb. a lesson [fig.]jdm. eine Lehrstunde erteilen
to teach sb. a lesson [idiom]jdn. Mores lehren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to teach sb. first aidjdm. Erste Hilfe beibringen
idiom to teach sb. what's what [coll.]jdm. die Flötentöne beibringen [ugs.]
to teach sth. by roteetw. durch Auswendiglernen einüben
educ. to team-teach with sb.mit jdm. gemeinsam unterrichten
3 Words: Nouns
acad. educ. authorization to teachLehrbefugnis {f}
acad. freedom to teachLehrfreiheit {f}
acad. educ. licence to teach [Br.]Lehrbefugnis {f}
acad. educ. license to teach [Am.]Lehrbefugnis {f}
acad. educ. permission to teachLehrbefugnis {f}
4 Words: Others
I'll teach you to ... [threatening reprisal for sth.]Dir werde ich helfen, ...
4 Words: Verbs
educ. to be qualified to teachdie Lehrbefähigung besitzen
to show / teach sb. the ropes [fig.]jdm. eine Einführung geben
to show / teach sb. the ropes [mainly fig.]jdn. mit allem vertraut machen
dance educ. to teach sb. (how) to dancejdm. das Tanzen beibringen
to teach sb. how to dancejdn. tanzen lehren
to teach sb. how to do sth.jdm. etw. beibringen
to teach sb. to respect onesichDat. bei jdm. Respekt verschaffen
to teach sb. to stop doing sth.jdm. etw.Akk. aberziehen [jdm. etw.Akk. durch erzieherische Maßnahmen abgewöhnen]
5+ Words: Others
idiom Don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs!Da will das Ei wieder klüger sein als die Henne!
idiom He could teach you a thing or two.Du kannst bei ihm noch in die Lehre gehen. [fig.]
I will teach you better.Ich werde dich eines Besseren belehren.
I'll teach him a lesson he won't forget. [idiom]Ich werde ihm einen Denkzettel verpassen. [Redewendung]
That'll teach you to lecture me.Das wird dich lehren mich zurechtzuweisen.
idiom You can't teach an old dog new tricks.Der Mensch ist ein Gewohnheitstier.
proverb You can't teach an old dog new tricks.Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr.
proverb You can't teach an old workhorse new tricks.Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr.
5+ Words: Verbs
to feel a calling to teachsich zum Lehrer berufen fühlen
to teach a child good mannersein Kind zur Höflichkeit erziehen
idiom to teach an old dog new tricks [fig.]einem alten Fuchs neue Tricks beibringen [fig.]
educ. to teach in accordance with contemporary ideasgegenwartsnah unterrichten
mus. to teach oneself to play the guitarsichDat. das Gitarrespielen (selbst) beibringen
to teach pupils to think for themselvesSchüler zu geistiger Selbstständigkeit erziehen
to teach sb. the ins and outs [idiom]jdm. zeigen, wo es langgeht [ugs.]
idiom to teach sb. the meaning of fearjdn. das Fürchten lehren
to teach your grandma to suck eggseinem alten Fuchs neue Tricks beibringen (wollen)
to tell / teach sb. the facts of life [idiom]jdn. (sexuell) aufklären
educ. acad. to win an appointment to teacheinen Lehrauftrag gewinnen
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. licence / right to teach as a Roman Catholic or Lutheran theologian [Br.]kirchliche Lehrbefugnis {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F To teach naughty children to be goodUm schlimme Kinder artig zu machen [G. Mahler]
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Q 2022-03-06: Differences in the use of "will" and "going to": Does it make sense to teach it?
A 2019-03-04: I have never come across either, so I cannot teach anybody anything in thi...
A 2015-06-24: "Gelehrt" here probably means "teach" in the sense of "informed and instru...
A 2015-02-09: It's saying that if you teach your children yourself...
A 2015-01-22: That'll teach me to copy and paste ;-)
Q 2015-01-04: to teach pre-algebra
A 2014-03-11: I'll teach you to...
A 2014-01-12: Um die hier geht's: http://users.dict.cc/GB-Teach/contributions/input-pending/
A 2013-06-03: Teach a syllabus or teach to a syllabus -
A 2013-02-21: ... im +Voraus+... Gnade vor Recht: ... and of course all of us are hoping...
A 2012-12-29: teach, taught, taught
Q 2012-08-28: teach you
A 2012-03-22: Know the product, know its usage, know how to teach it
A 2012-01-30: I guess there's something they teach them at "dicrector's school" but
A 2011-10-07: Ah, okay... So you have to teach your own children especially when to use ...
A 2011-04-24: Nowadays, style advisors teach to not say "Guten Appetit" anymore.
A 2011-03-22: The bulb is like a kitchen/store cupboard. (?) Larder would be good - just...
A 2010-09-22: teach through fun and games
A 2010-09-22: to teach in a playful manner
A 2010-09-19: How nice that any anonymous may teach me my own language here...

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