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English-German translation for: teachers
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Dictionary English German: teachers

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
NOUN   a teacher | teachers
educ. jobs teachers
Lehrer {pl}
educ. jobs teachers [female]
Lehrerinnen {pl}
educ. teachers
Lehrende {pl}
Pädagogen {pl}
educ. jobs teachers
Lehrpersonen {pl}
educ. teachers {pl} [collectively]
Lehrerschaft {f}
2 Words: Nouns
educ. jobs (qualified) teachersLehrkräfte {pl}
educ. jobs ling. Arabic teachersArabischlehrer {pl}
educ. jobs ling. Arabic teachers [female]Arabischlehrerinnen {pl}
bibl. relig. false teachersIrrlehrer {pl}
educ. hist. normal school [archaic] [teachers' training school]Normalschule {f}
educ. jobs mus. singing teachersGesanglehrer {pl}
educ. student teachersReferendare {pl} [für das Lehramt]
educ. student teachers [female]Referendarinnen {pl} [für das Lehramt]
supply teachersHilfslehrer {pl}
educ. teachers college [also: teacher's college, teachers' college]pädagogische Hochschule {f}
educ. teachers' associationLehrerverband {m}
constr. educ. jobs teachers' housesLehrerhäuser {pl}
educ. teachers' judgementLehrerurteil {n} [allgemein]
educ. teachers' lounge [Am.]Lehrerzimmer {n}
med. teachers' nodules [Noduli vocales]Lehrerknötchen {pl}
educ. teachers' roomKonferenzzimmer {n} [österr.] [Lehrerzimmer]
educ. teachers' roomLehrerzimmer {n}
educ. relig. teachers' seminaryLehrerseminar {n}
teachers' unionLehrergewerkschaft {f}
various teachersverschiedene Lehrer {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
educ. body of teachersLehrerschaft {f}
dance teachers' associationTanzlehrerverband {m}
family of teachersLehrerfamilie {f}
educ. glut of teachersLehrerschwemme {f}
educ. need for teachersLehrerbedarf {m}
educ. jobs scarcity of teachersLehrermangel {m}
educ. jobs shortage of teachersLehrermangel {m}
educ. staff of teachersLehrerkollegium {n}
educ. surplus of teachersLehrerschwemme {f}
teachers of languagesSprachlehrer {pl}
educ. teachers' (training) collegeLehrerseminar {n}
educ. jobs typology of teachersLehrertypologie {f}
World Teachers' DayWeltlehrertag {m}
4 Words: Nouns
hist. celibacy of female teachersLehrerinnenzölibat {n}
educ. continuing education of teachersLehrerfortbildung {f}
educ. General German Teachers' AssociationAllgemeiner Deutscher Lehrerverein {m} <ADLV>
educ. projected need for teachersLehrerbedarfsprognose {f}
5+ Words: Others
His main claim to fame is that he was one of Beethoven's early teachers.Er erlangte vor allem als einer von Beethovens frühen Lehrern Berühmtheit.
5+ Words: Nouns
mus. Association of Music Teachers in AustriaArbeitsgemeinschaft {f} der Musikerzieher Österreichs <AGMÖ>
educ. first state examination for teachers of social studieserste Staatsprüfung {f} für Sozialkundelehrer
educ. hist. National Socialist University Teachers' LeagueNationalsozialistischer (Deutscher) Dozentenbund {m} <NSDozB>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Teachers [Arthur Hiller]Die Aufsässigen
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A 2022-07-20: US English teachers used to be greater sticklers for good grammar than the...
A 2019-07-12: My English teachers told me the same some 40 years ago.
A 2018-10-24: Teachers? Dicey again
A 2015-01-24: We're rather spending money on court cases and lawyers than hiring more te...
A 2014-05-30: That was me. - What is more, teachers may tend to be aware of this Forum
A 2014-03-30: Incompetent teachers / text books
A 2013-10-03: The lingo of teachers in the 90s
A 2013-10-03: For Teachers
Q 2013-10-02: For Teachers
A 2013-07-06: It's tricky, because in Britain the civil service doesn't include teachers...
Q 2013-05-19: Text : The current situation of teachers in France
A 2012-12-18: zum Thema 'arming teachers'
A 2012-12-10: College of teachers (a) at Steiner schools (b) The College of Teachers in the UK
A 2012-12-10: wikipedia article uses [The College of Teachers] in this context
A 2012-02-08: Unfortunately his argument that the shortfall will be made up in saving on...
A 2011-06-27: Hyyyyyyyyyyphen: +teachers'+ pets
A 2011-06-27: Only teachers and teachers pets would exclaim +Get out, quickly!+ – must b...
A 2011-06-27: As it says in the OED, using quick as an adverb is informal and lots of pe...
Q 2011-05-02: open to academics as well as newly qualified teachers
A 2011-02-05: School/college for Kindergarten teachers.

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