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English-German translation for: team values
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Dictionary English German: team values

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to pull a team togetherein Team zusammenhalten [fig.]
to be on a team [esp. Am.]in einem Team sein
sports to kick sb. off the teamjdn. aus dem Team werfen
sports to turn a team over [Br.] [sl.] [to defeat]ein Team schlagen
idiom Never change a winning team!Reiß' kein eingespieltes Team auseinander!
to blend a teamein Team (richtig) zusammenstellen [die richtige Mischung finden]
psych. spec. inner teamInneres Team {n} [F. Schulz v. Thun]
acad. team of scholarsGelehrten-Team {n} [auch: Gelehrtenteam]
to put a team togetherein Team zusammenstellen
sports European Athletics Team ChampionshipsLeichtathletik-Team-Europameisterschaft {f}
mil. sea-air-land team <SEAL team>Kampfschwimmergruppe {f}
FireResc search and rescue team <SAR team>Rettungsteam {n}
FireResc search-and-rescue team <SAR team>Rettungsteam {n}
to put together a strong teamein starkes Team auf die Beine stellen
What did that do for the team?Was hat das dem Team gebracht?
to alter the teamdas Team ändern
psych. community mental health teamgemeindepsychiatrisches Team {n}
team of eight (people)achtköpfiges Team {n}
team of four (people)vierköpfiges Team {n}
team of nine (people)neunköpfiges Team {n}
team of six (people)sechsköpfiges Team {n}
team of ten (people)zehnköpfiges Team {n}
med. surgery teamOperationsteam {n} <OP-Team>
as a team {adv}als Team
econ. spec. cross-functional teamcrossfunktionales Team {n}
econ. spec. cross-functional teamfunktionsübergreifendes Team {n}
eight-member teamachtköpfiges Team {n}
four-member teamvierköpfiges Team {n}
four-person teamvierköpfiges Team {n}
nine-member teamneunköpfiges Team {n}
nine-strong teamneunköpfiges Team {n}
team of fivefünfköpfiges Team {n}
team of specialistsSpezialisten-Team {n}
ten-member teamzehnköpfiges Team {n}
ten-strong teamzehnköpfiges Team {n}
team {adj} [attr.] [e.g., assistant, builder, building, development, etc.]Team- [Assistent, Bildner, Aufbau, Entwicklung etc.]
jobs sports to be able to fit in with a / the teamsich in ein Team einfügen können
hist. pol. Team Stronach for Austria [political party]Team {n} Stronach für Österreich [Partei]
RadioTV commentary teamKommentatoren-Team {n}
comm. global teamglobales Team {n}
interdisciplinary teaminterdisziplinäres Team {n}
launch teamStart-Team {n}
mixed teamgemischtes Team {n}
sports opposing teamgegnerisches Team {n}
shadow teamSchatten-Team {n}
med. surgical teamOP-Team {n}
film F The A-Team [Joe Carnahan]Das A-TeamDer Film
His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.Sein Team steht an der Spitze der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung von Impfstoffen.
to fit in with a teamin ein Team passen
FireResc med. emergency medical team <EMT>EMT-Team {n} [medizinisches Nothilfeteam]
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