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English-German translation for: technically
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Dictionary English German: technically

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
technically {adv}
tech. technically {adv}
technically {adv}
technically {adv}
technically {adv}aus technischer Sicht
technically {adv} [concerned with specialist field]vom Fachlichen her gesehen
2 Words: Others
less technically {adv}weniger schulmäßig ausgedrückt
non-technically {adv}nicht technisch
technically adept {adj}technisch versiert
technically correct {adj} [as confirmed by experts]fachgerecht
technically feasible {adj}technisch möglich
technically feasible {adj}technisch realisierbar
technically invalid {adj}technisch ungültig
technically oriented {adj}technikorientiert
technically oriented {adj}technisch orientiert
technically qualified {adj}technisch qualifiziert
technically speakinggenau genommen
technically speaking {adv}technisch gesehen
ling. technically speaking {adv} [in technical language]fachsprachlich
technically speaking {adv} [strictly speaking]strenggenommen
technically speaking {adv} [strictly speaking]streng genommen
tech. technically-minded {adj}technisch interessiert
3 Words: Others
(still) technically possible {adj}theoretisch (noch) möglich
technically not feasible {adj}technisch nicht durchführbar
tech. technically oil-free {adj}technisch ölfrei
3 Words: Verbs
to be technically giftedtechnisch begabt sein
3 Words: Nouns
technically useful potentialtechnisch nutzbares Potential {n}
the technically feasibledas technisch Mögliche {n}
4 Words: Others
He spoke very technically.Er benutzte sehr viele Fachausdrücke.
4 Words: Verbs
to be technically assigned to sb./sth.fachdienstlich jdm./etw. unterstellt sein
to put it less technicallyes weniger schulmäßig ausdrücken
5+ Words: Others
in a technically correct manner {adv}fachgerecht
to put it less technically {adv}weniger schulmäßig ausgedrückt
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A 2020-05-01: session > Sitzung +technically explained+
A 2019-02-15: Technically, this ought to be clearly disambiguated
A 2017-05-15: Technically, the word seems to be +currency translation+ only
A 2016-11-01: c: is technically incorrect.
A 2016-10-27: Technically, once you have crested, you have reached the top > den Berg er...
A 2016-10-18: Technically: +redirected+ to the company's home page
A 2016-08-04: technically speaking:
A 2015-11-22: Yes, I agree that antiviral is technically the correct term, but antivenom...
A 2015-08-05: Technically.....
A 2015-02-28: Technically, yes
A 2015-02-09: Technically: inner agglomeration belt
A 2014-04-11: A +freedman+ was technically a +libertus+ - personally a man of diminished...
A 2014-04-09: although this is technically incorrect/inconsistent with usual technical t...
A 2013-10-03: Technically, a bolt means "full length of the material."
A 2013-08-25: Just for information: A motorcycle having no rear suspension is technicall...
A 2013-02-15: No, "net worth" was just a simplified and quick answer to get things rolli...
A 2012-11-13: Just for the record, technically that's not a "stay."
A 2012-11-03: technically ...
A 2012-05-06: Yes, Eigenkapital for "down payment on a house" is technically correct. But...
A 2012-04-01: Correct, technically it's not a typo. It's the clear misuse of 'penultimat...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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