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Partial Matches |
| constr. continuous flight auger technique <CFA technique> | Schneckenortbetonverfahren {n} <SOB-Verfahren> [auch: Schnecken-Ortbeton-Verfahren] | |
| sb. brings | jd. bringt | |
| sb. brings up [offspring] | jd. erzieht | |
| sth. brings to mind | etw. vergegenwärtigt | |
| MedTech. half-Fourier single-shot turbo spine echo technique <HASTE technique> | HASTE-Technik {f} | |
| MedTech. echo-planar imaging and signal targeting with alternating radio frequency technique <EPISTAR technique> | EPISTAR-Technik {f} | |
| QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> | Drei-Zeiten-Methode {f} | |
| MedTech. delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage technique <dGEMRIC technique> | dGEMRIC-Technik {f} | |
| sb. brings [something as a gift] | jd. beschert | |
| Competition brings prices down. | Wettbewerb senkt die Preise. | |
| What brings you here? | Was führt dich hierher? | |
| MedTech. rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement technique <RARE technique> | RARE-Technik {f} | |
| phys. chemical shift selective saturation technique <CHESS technique> | CHESS-Technik {f} | |
| MedTech. echo-planar imaging technique <EPI technique> | EPI-Technik {f} | |
| And this brings us to the end. | Und damit kommen wir zum Schluss. | |
| That brings me to my next point. | Damit komme ich zum nächsten Punkt. | |
| This brings me to the subject of ... | Dies bringt mich auf das Thema ... | |
| med. multiple occlusion technique <MOT, MO technique> | multiple Okklusionstechnik {f} <MOT> [selten: multiple Okklusionentechnik] | |
| QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> | Dreipunktschätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung> | |
| proverb Talking brings people together. | Durchs Reden kommen d'Leut z'samm. [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| someone who brings order [organizes things] | die / eine ordnende Hand {f} [fig.] [jd., der Ordnung schafft] | |
| phys. attenuated total reflectance (technique) <ATR, ATR technique> | ATR-Technik {f} | |
| quote The mountain labors and brings forth a mouse. [Am.] | Der Berg kreißt und gebiert eine Maus. [Horaz] | |
| fin. It brings 5 per cent interest. | Es verzinst sich mit 5 Prozent. | |
| electr. four-wire technique <4-wire technique> | Vierleitertechnik {f} <4-Leitertechnik> | |
| electr. three-wire technique <3-wire technique> | Dreileitertechnik {f} <3-Leitertechnik> | |
| electr. two-wire technique <2-wire technique> | Zweileitertechnik {f} <2-Leitertechnik> | |
| quote Work Brings Freedom [sign over the gates of Auschwitz] | Arbeit macht frei [Schild über den Toren von Auschwitz] | |
| lit. F The Sun Brings It To Light [Grimm Brothers] | Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag [Brüder Grimm] | |
| QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> | Drei-Punkt-Schätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung> | |
| lit. quote Who brings a lot, brings something that will pass: And everyone goes home contentedly. | Wer vieles bringt, wird manchem etwas bringen; Und jeder geht zufrieden aus dem Haus. [Faust I, Goethe] | |
| quote theatre lit. This is the curse of every evil deed // That, propagating still, it brings forth evil. [trans. S. T. Coleridge] | Das eben ist der Fluch der bösen Tat, // Dass sie, fortzeugend, immer Böses muss gebären. [Schiller, Die Piccolomini, V,1] | |
| technique | Methode {f} | |
| technique | Verfahren {n} | |
| technique | Verfahrensweise {f} | |
| mus. (playing) technique | Spieltechnik {f} | |
| acceleration technique | Beschleunigungsmethode {f} | |
| acc. accounting technique | Abrechnungsverfahren {n} | |
| MedTech. spec. acquisition technique | Aufnahmetechnik {f} | |
| acquisition technique | Erfassungstechnik {f} | |
| film theatre acting technique | Schauspieltechnik {f} | |
| address technique | Adressiermethode {f} | |
| market. advertising technique | Werbetechnik {f} | |
| market. advertising technique | Werbeverfahren {n} | |
| med. Alexander technique | Alexandertechnik {f} | |
| acad. analysis technique | Analysetechnik {f} | |
| acad. analysis technique | Analyseverfahren {n} | |
| biol. chem. tech. analytical technique | Analyseverfahren {n} | |
| film animation technique | Animationstechnik {f} | |
| tech. application technique | Anwendungstechnik {f} | |
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