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Dictionary English German: technology

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NOUN   a technology | technologies
SYNO   engineering | technology ... 
technology [esp. methods, theory]
Technologie {f}
tech. technology [application, skills]
Technik {f}
Methode {f}
technologyVerfahrenskunde {f}
2 Words: Others
engin. Unverified fastening technologyFügetechnik
high-technology {adj} [attr.]mit hoher Technologie [nachgestellt]
information technology {adj} [attr.]informationstechnologisch
technology-based {adj}technikbasiert
technology-based {adj}technologiebasiert
tech. technology-enhanced {adj}technologiegestützt
tech. technology-mediated {adj}technologievermittelt
technology-orientated {adj}technologieorientiert
technology-oriented {adj}technologieorientiert
2 Words: Nouns
tech. adhesive technologyKlebetechnik {f}
advanced technologySpitzentechnologie {f}
advanced technologyfortschrittliche Verfahrenstechnik {f}
advanced technologyhochentwickelte Technik {f}
advanced technology <AT>fortgeschrittene Technik {f}
advanced technology <AT>fortgeschrittene Technologie {f} [Technik]
aviat. educ. aeronautical technologyLuftfahrttechnik {f}
astronau aviat. aerospace technologyLuft- und Raumfahrttechnik {f}
astronau aviat. tech. aerospace technologyLuft- und Raumfahrttechnologie {f}
tech. agitator technologyRührwerkstechnik {f}
agr. agricultural technologyAgrartechnologie {f}
agr. tech. agricultural technologyLandtechnik {f}
aviat. aircraft technologyLuftfahrzeugtechnologie {f}
electr. amplifier technologyVerstärkertechnik {f}
animation technologyAnimationstechnologie {f}
tech. antiquated technologyUralttechnik {f} [ugs.]
engin. application technologyAnwendungstechnik {f}
material application technology [composite material]Auftragstechnik {f} [Verbundwerkstoffe]
appropriate technologyangepasste Technologie {f}
archi. tech. architectural technologyBautechnik {f}
acad. art comp. art technologyKunsttechnologie {f}
tech. assembly technologyMontagetechnik {f}
comp. spec. assistive technology <AT>Unterstützungstechnologie {f}
comp. spec. assistive technology <AT>assistive Technologie {f} <AT>
nucl. atomic technologyAtomtechnik {f}
tech. automation technologyAutomationstechnik {f}
engin. automation technologyAutomatisierungstechnik {f}
automot. automobile technologyKraftfahrzeugtechnik {f}
automot. educ. automotive technologyAutomobiltechnologie {f}
aviat. aviation technologyFlugzeugtechnik {f}
aviat. aviation technologyFlugzeugtechnologie {f}
aviat. aviation technologyLuftfahrttechnologie {f}
tech. balancing technologyAuswuchttechnik {f}
tech. balancing technologyWuchttechnik {f}
basic technologyBasistechnologie {f}
electr. battery technologyBatterietechnik {f}
electr. battery technologyBatterietechnologie {f}
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A 2021-11-18: ? +Dr. Maja Rudinac wurde von Ava neu als Chief Technology Officer ernannt.+
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A 2015-05-06: Steadily more items in stock and innovative products fully maintain state-...
Q 2015-04-05: Foundry technology / Hüttenwesen
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