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English-German translation for: tell
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Dictionary English German: tell

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NOUN   a tell | tells
VERB  to tell | told | told ... 
SYNO   to differentiate | to distinguish ... 
NOUN   der Tell | die Tells
to tell sth. [a story etc.]
etw.Akk. erzählen
to tell sth. [give an account]
etw.Akk. berichten
to tell (sth.)
(etw.) sagen
to tell sth. [see, understand]
etw. erkennen [ausmachen]
to tell sb. sth. [give a message, pass on]
jdm. etw.Akk. ausrichten [mitteilen]
to tell sth. [list, enumrate]
etw. aufzählen
to tell sth. [determine]
etw. feststellen [sehen, erkennen]
to tell sth. [count]
etw.Akk. abzählen
to tell sth. [determine]
etw. sehen [feststellen]
to tell sb. sth. [as a message]
jdm. etw.Akk. bestellen [ausrichten, mitteilen]
to tell sth. [indicate]
etw. anzeigen [erkennen lassen]
to tell sth. [a story etc.]
etw. verzählen [südd.] [schweiz.] [österr.] [ugs.] [erzählen]
to tell sth. [a story etc.]
etw. vertellen [Ruhrgebiet] [nordd.] [ugs.] [erzählen]
to tell [of punches, attacks, etc.: have effect]sich bemerkbar machen [Schläge, Angriffe etc: Wirkung zeigen]
to tell [show] [age, pain, sorrow etc.]sich zeigen [bemerkbar machen]
to tell sth. [a story etc.]etw.Akk. dazöhln [österr.] [ugs.]
to tell sth. [nonverbal]aus etw.Dat. sprechen [fig.] [aus Haltung, Gesichtsausdruck etc.]
games tell
Tell {m} [auch: Hinweis, verräterisches Zeichen] [Poker]
archaeo. spec. tellTell {m}
archaeo. tell [mound of remains of successive ancient settlements in West Asia]Ruinenhügel {m}
2 Words: Others
Do tell!Sprecht! [geh., altertümlich]
Do tell! [coll.] [sarcastic]Ach nee! [sarkastisch]
Pray tell! [sarcastic]Nun sagen Sie schon!
Tell her ...Sag ihr ...
Tell me ...Sag mal ...
Tell me!Raus damit!
tell-all {adj}enthüllend
tell-tale {adj} [attr.]verräterisch [ungewollt erkennen lassend]
2 Words: Verbs
to tell (sb.) lies(jdm.) Lügen erzählen
to tell about sth.etw.Akk. berichten
law to tell against sb.gegen jdn. verwendet werden können
to tell against sb. [idiom]gegen jdn. sprechen [fig.] [Redewendung]
to tell against sb./sth.ein Nachteil für jdn./etw. sein
to tell allauspacken [ugs.] [fig.]
to tell apartauseinanderhalten
to tell apartauseinanderkennen
to tell apartauseinander halten [alt]
to tell apartauseinander kennen [alt]
to tell by sth. [aurally]an etw.Dat. hören [am Gehörten erkennen, z. B. am Atem hören, dass jd. eingeschlafen ist]
to tell fibskohlen [ugs.] [schwindeln, flunkern]
to tell fortuneswahrsagen [Karten]
to tell of sb./sth.von jdm./etw. berichten
to tell of sb./sth.von jdm./etw. erzählen
to tell of sth.von etw. künden [geh.]
to tell off [count]abzählen
to tell on sb. [coll.]jdn. verklatschen [regional] [verpetzen]
to tell on sb. [coll.]jdn. verraten
to tell oneself sth. [idiom]sichDat. etw.Akk. vorsagen [einreden]
to tell sb. about sth.petzen [etwas weitersagen / verraten]
to tell sb. about sth.etw. bei jdm. herumerzählen
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A 2023-10-19: can u tell what is in those links before i click on them?
A 2023-03-11: ... and please do drop a line to +Alison, a literacy specialist+ to tell h...
A 2020-08-18: For me, the difference between Sächsisch and "Leipzigerisch" is very hard ...
A 2019-06-18: Can't somebody in Germany simply open a PDF, right-click and tell me what...
A 2019-05-13: "You poor stupid guy! You never can tell what some people will buy." --Dr...
A 2019-04-11: geflekt as past p. is fine as far as I can tell
A 2019-04-02: I feel if you tell sb. to use everyday's language you shouldn't us legales...
Q 2019-03-16: how to tell "middle" parting in the hair
A 2019-01-09: They got intimate with each other that night, but they didn't tell anyone.
A 2018-02-15: Don't tell us we / you aren't allowed to say that!
A 2018-02-01: context will tell you ....
A 2018-01-24: After some / a lot of arm-twisting I finally got him to tell (me) the truth
Q 2017-12-10: Could you please check my translation and tell me how I could put it bette...
Q 2017-12-10: Could you please check my translation and tell me how I could put it bette...
A 2017-09-28: Revise the past, serve the present, tell the future
A 2017-05-26: ... if he can but +tell how to+ ... ~ if he can but grasp how to ...
A 2017-05-26: ... if he can but tell how to attack / how to inflict blows
A 2017-03-20: Tell that to Bob
Q 2016-10-15: Tell vs told
A 2016-07-06: Could you please tell me when you will kindly send me a letter of confirmation?

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