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Dictionary English German: tense

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
ADJ   tense | tenser/more tense | tensest/most tense
NOUN   a tense | tenses
VERB  to tense | tensed | tensed ... 
SYNO   to strain | to tense | to tense up ... 
tense {adj}
tense {adj}
tense {adj}
tense {adj}
tense {adj}
tense {adj}
to tense sth.
etw. spannen
to tense sth. [a muscle, one's body, etc.]
etw.Akk. anspannen [einen Muskel, seinen Körper etc.]
to tense [become tense]sichAkk. anspannen
ling. tense
Zeitform {f}
ling. tense
Tempus {n}
ling. tense
Zeit {f} [Tempus]
2 Words: Verbs
to tense sth. up [muscle]etw.Akk. anspannen
to tense upsichAkk. verkrampfen
to tense upsichAkk. verspannen
to tense up [muscle, stomach]sich zusammenkrampfen
to tense up [person, muscle]sichAkk. anspannen
2 Words: Nouns
ling. compound tensezusammengesetzte Zeitform {f}
ling. continuous tenseVerlaufsform {f}
ling. future (tense)Futur (I) {n}
lit. narrative tenseErzähltempus {n}
ling. perfect tensePerfekt {n}
ling. pluperfect tensePlusquamperfekt {n}
ling. pluperfect tenseVorvergangenheit {f}
ling. present tenseGegenwartsform {f}
ling. present tensePräsens {n}
tense atmospheredicke Luft {f} [ugs.] [Redewendung] [ohne Artikel] [schlechte Stimmung]
tense calmangespannte Ruhe {f}
audio med. tense eardrumgespanntes Trommelfell {n}
tense expressiongespannter Gesichtsausdruck {m}
tense momentangespannter Moment {m}
film mus. tense musicspannungsgeladene Musik {f}
tense negotiationszähe Verhandlungen {pl}
tense relationshipangespannte Beziehung {f}
tense relationshipangespanntes Verhältnis {n}
ling. tense signTempuszeichen {n}
tense situationangespannte Lage {f}
tense situationgespannte Lage {f}
ling. tense systemTempussystem {n}
ling. tense systemZeitensystem {n}
3 Words: Others
idiom Why so tense?Warum so angespannt?
3 Words: Nouns
ling. change of tenseTempuswechsel {m}
ling. change of tenseZeitwechsel {m} [Wechsel des Tempus]
ling. future continuous tenseVerlaufsform {f} der Zukunft
ling. future progressive tenseVerlaufsform {f} der Zukunft
ling. past perfect (tense)vollendete Vergangenheit {f}
ling. past perfect tensePlusquamperfekt {n}
ling. past tense (form)Vergangenheitsform {f}
ling. present perfect (tense)vollendete Gegenwart {f}
ling. present perfect tensezweite Vergangenheit {f}
ling. simple past tenseeinfache Vergangenheit {f}
4 Words: Others
Things are very tense.Es herrscht Hochspannung.
5+ Words: Others
The situation was very tense.Die Lage war sehr angespannt.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Present Tense [Dave Duncan]Die Klippen des Heute
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A 2021-11-22: Right in principle, but rarely found except for the past tense or +dann / ...
A 2021-08-17: "the embassy cost over $700 million" IST past tense
A 2020-12-10: tense up
A 2020-06-27: The present tense could be wrong here, but it is ok in some contexts;
A 2020-04-03: Quite a few native speakers tend to misspell the past tense and past parti...
A 2019-08-14: Correct tense: The children +had been+ awake and +had listened in on / to+...
A 2019-05-02: Many thanks Sasso. The question about past tense.
Q 2018-12-17: essen past tense
Q 2018-12-02: Past Tense of ... ?
Q 2018-11-09: Past tense of "forecast" in US English
Q 2018-07-19: Translation/tense help
A 2018-05-30: It's all past tense, in my opinion.
A 2018-05-08: That's true - I was only thinking of the present tense.
A 2018-02-26: In past tense: You bore my being silly?
A 2017-11-20: Tempus/Tense
A 2017-10-01: +have made:+ use of the +present perfect tense+ discussed more fully (illu...
A 2017-09-04: As there is no difference in meaning, the subtitles prefer the tense that ...
A 2017-09-03: Future tense?
A 2017-08-24: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&q=%22past+tense%22+vs.+%22presen...
A 2017-07-29: Thank you both so far,it`staken from ego4u/past tense/level 3

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