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English-German translation for: term by term
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Dictionary English German: term by term

Translation 1 - 50 of 6025  >>

math. term by term {adv}summandenweise
Partial Matches
law term [prison term]Freiheitsstrafe {f}
ling. term of art [technical term]Kunstausdruck {m} [Fachausdruck]
short-term solution [short-term answer to a problem]kurzfristige Lösung {f} [kurzfristige Bewältigung eines Problems]
idiom to grab sb. by the stacking swivel [coll. USMC term]jdn. am Schlawittchen / Schlafittchen packen [ugs.]
ling. name / term imposed by othersFremdbezeichnung {f}
term used by the mediaMedienbegriff {m}
comp. lambda term <λ-term>Lambda-Term {m} <λ-Term>
ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.]veraltet
math. by threes {adv} <by 3's, by 3s> [in steps of three / 3]in Dreierschritten
expression [term]Bezeichnung {f} [Ausdruck]
educ. session [term]Trimester {n}
secular {adj} [long term]langanhaltend
comp. to dispatch [SAP term]einlasten [SAP-Terminus, Modul PP]
comp. to dispatch [SAP term]einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul RM-PPS]
sports to dive [football term]sich fallen lassen [eine Schwalbe machen]
comp. to schedule [SAP term]einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul BS-DS]
ling. [reappropriated derogatory term]Geusenwort {n} [Trotzwort]
abstraction [abstract term]Abstraktum {n} [Abstraktion]
bot. gastr. Unverified cabbages {pl} [collective term]Kohlgemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff]
mil. naut. fathometer [generic term]Echolot {n}
imprisonment [prison term]Haftaufenthalt {m}
educ. session [university term]Semester {n}
comm. to start running [term]zu laufen beginnen [Frist]
by-passed by history {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]von der Geschichte übergangen
hist. [Nazi term for Austrian] {adj}ostmärkisch
philat. spec. adapted {adj} {past-p} [special philatelic term]aptiert <apt.> [fachspr., z. B. in der Philatelie bzw. veraltet]
med. psych. [colloquial term for hypochondria]Morbus Mohl {m} [ugs.]
[derogatory term for Muslim]Musel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
hist. [Nazi term for Austrians]Ostmärker {pl}
philat. spec. adaption [special philatelic term]Aptierung {f} <Apt.> [fachspr., z. B. in der Philatelie bzw. veraltet]
filofax [generic term] [Filofax®]Kalender-Ringbuch {n}
inspection [also QM term]Prüfung {f} [auch QM-Begriff]
jacuzzi [generic term] [Jacuzzi®]Jacuzzi® {m}
photo. lensbaby [generic term; Lensbaby®]Lensbaby {n} [Gattungsbegriff; Lensbaby®]
officer [term of address]Herr Wachtmeister {m} [Polizist]
primacord [generic term] [PRIMACORD®]Sprengschnur {f}
tools sortainer [generic term] [sortainer®]Sortainer® {m} [Ordnungssystem]
hort. tools strimmer [generic term] [Strimmer®]Motorsense {f}
tools systainer [generic term] [systainer®]Systainer® {m} [Versand- und Aufbewahrungsbox]
toys weeble [generic term] [Weebles®]Stehaufmännchen {n}
math. to drop out [of term]wegfallen
mil. (mortal) range [artillery term]Wurfweite {f} [Artilleriebegriff]
comp. allocation table [SAP term]Aufteiler {m} [SAP, Modul - IS-R-ONLINE]
comp. alternative key [SAP term]Alternativschlüssel {m}
sports ball control [football term]Ballbeherrschung {f}
sports ball kid [UEFA term]Balljunge {m}
comp. demand management [SAP term]Programmplanung {f} [SAP]
sports dipping shot [UEFA term]Bogenlampe {f}
comp. effective key [SAP term]fachlicher Schlüssel {m} [SAP-Begriff]
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