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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: terminal urine
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: terminal urine

Translation 1 - 50 of 527  >>

med. terminal urine [in a urine sample]Endstrahlurin {m}
med. terminal urine [in a urine sample]Terminalstrahlurin {m}
Partial Matches
electr. protective earth terminal <PE terminal> [Am.] [Can.]Schutzleiteranschluss {m}
biochem. carboxyl-terminal {adj} <C-terminal>C-terminal
urineNatursekt {m} [Jargon]
urineUrin {m}
biol. urine [Urina]Harn {m}
to pass urineHarn lassen
med. to void urineWasser lassen
med. cloudy urinetrüber Harn {m}
med. green urinegrüner Urin {m}
VetMed. horse urinePferdeurin {m}
med. milky urinemilchiger Urin {m} [Chylurie]
med. primary urinePrimärharn {m}
med. primary urinePrimärurin {m}
med. residual urineRestharn {m}
med. residual urineResturin {m}
med. secondary urineSekundärharn {m}
med. secondary urineSekundärurin {m}
med. spontaneous urineSpontanurin {m}
urine bagUrinbeutel {m}
MedTech. urine bottleEnte {f} [ugs.] [Urinflasche]
MedTech. urine bottleUrinflasche {f}
med. urine collectionSammelurin {m}
med. urine cultureUrinkultur {f}
med. MedTech. urine cupSammelbecher {m} [für Urin]
med. MedTech. urine cupUrinbecher {m}
med. urine cytologyHarnzytologie {f}
urine cytologyUrinzytologie {f}
urine deposits {pl}Urinstein {m}
med. urine dipstickUrinteststreifen {m}
med. urine electrolytesUrinelektrolyten {pl}
zool. urine markingUrinmarkierung {f}
MedTech. urine potUrintopf {m}
biol. urine productionHarnbildung {f}
urine productionHarnproduktion {f}
biol. urine productionUrinproduktion {f}
ecol. urine reuseUrinwiederverwendung {f}
med. urine sampleHarnprobe {f}
med. urine sampleUrinprobe {f}
urine scaleUrinstein {m}
med. urine screeningUrinscreening {n}
med. urine specimenHarnprobe {f}
med. urine specimenUrinprobe {f}
hunting zool. urine sprayUrinspray {n} {m}
urine stainsUrinflecken {pl}
med. urine storageHarnspeicherung {f}
med. urine testHarnuntersuchung {f}
urine testsHarnuntersuchungen {pl}
med. urine therapyEigenurintherapie {f}
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