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Dictionary English German: terms

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NOUN   a term | terms
VERB  to term | termed | termed
terming | terms
SYNO   footing | terms | damage | price
sb. terms
jd. bezeichnet
Bedingungen {pl}
Begriffe {pl}
Konditionen {pl}
terms {pl}
Frist {f}
law terms
Bestimmungen {pl}
Vertragsbedingungen {pl}
law terms
Klauseln {pl}
educ. terms
Semester {pl}
Zahlungsbedingungen {pl}
terms {pl}
Zeit {f}
Modalitäten {pl}
Termini {pl}
math. terms
Terme {pl}
acad. educ. terms
Trimester {pl}
Vertragsformeln {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to accept termsBedingungen annehmen
to arrange termsBedingungen absprechen
to arrange termsBedingungen ausmachen
to dictate termsBedingungen vorschreiben
to ease termsdie Bedingungen erleichtern
educ. to keep terms [Br.]Jura / Jus studieren [in den Inns of Court]
to negotiate termsBedingungen aushandeln
to negotiate termsüber Bedingungen verhandeln
to refuse termsBedingungen ablehnen
to set termsBedingungen festlegen
to stipulate termsBedingungen festschreiben
to stipulate termsBedingungen fordern
2 Words: Nouns
abstract termsabstrakte Begriffe {pl}
acceptable termsannehmbare Bedingungen {pl}
acceptable termsannehmbare Konditionen {pl}
ling. acceptable termspassende Ausdrücke {pl}
comm. acceptance termsAbnahmebedingungen {pl}
accepted termsangenommene Bedingungen {pl}
advantageous termsgünstige Bedingungen {pl}
advantageous termsvorteilhafte Bedingungen {pl}
affectionate termsherzliche Beziehungen {pl}
agreed termsvereinbarte Bedingungen {pl}
ambiguous termsunklare Begriffe {pl}
law amended termsergänzte Vertragsformeln {pl}
American termsamerikanische Bedingungen {pl}
amortization termsRückzahlungsbedingungen {pl}
application termsAntragsbedingungen {pl}
application termsZeichnungsbedingungen {pl}
attractive termsgünstige Bedingungen {pl}
attractive termsgünstige Konditionen {pl}
attractive terms {pl}attraktive Ausstattung {f}
law bail termsKautionsauflagen {pl}
naut. berth terms <b.t.>[Bedingungen des Hafens für die Be- und Entladung eines Schiffes]
bid termsAngebotsbedingungen {pl}
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Q 2024-06-25: to make terms =? sich einigen
A 2024-01-11: booking conditions, booking terms, booking terms and conditions
A 2023-12-11: There’s lots of terms in German that have both a Germanic and a borrowed s...
Q 2023-07-09: Workforce regulations, other HR-related terms (German and English)
A 2023-04-09: In practical terms,
A 2023-03-28: Nonetheless, it's not really germane to the discussion. These terms are ob...
A 2022-06-06: Wiederhole meinen Übersetzungsvorschlag: what if anything would then remai...
A 2022-06-04: Here +viel+ is used loosely / infomally ~ what if anything would then rema...
A 2022-04-14: Different kinds of sport should be clearly discernible, for instance in te...
A 2021-11-30: "In terms of ..." is a useful rhetorical tool to bring the object to the f...
Q 2021-11-29: in terms of ...: Can it be followed by a person object?
A 2021-10-09: Allgemein: Wir müssen sehr vorsichtig sein mit Trademark-Einträgen, auch a...
A 2021-05-24: Basically the opposites could not be territorialized just as had at first ...
Q 2021-03-12: Swimming terms
Q 2021-02-09: How should one deal with technical English terms with no German counterpart?
A 2020-11-15: who ever reads the terms & conditions? :-)
A 2020-11-15: > 12:18 Assuming the author did not read the +Terms & conditions,+ that ma...
A 2020-11-15: Parents or guardians look after those mildly criminal hopefuls: Zip Oyste...
Q 2020-11-12: Scarf joint terms
A 2020-07-09: Milk-fed or white veal are terms I've come across before,

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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