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English-German translation for: terrace
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Dictionary English German: terrace

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NOUN   a terrace | terraces
VERB  to terrace | terraced | terraced ... 
SYNO   to terrace | to terrasse | patio ... 
agr. constr. to terrace
constr. hort. to terracein Terrassen anlegen
constr. hort. to terrace sth. [form into terraces]etw. terrassenförmig anlegen
archi. geogr. terrace
Terrasse {f}
sports terrace [Br.] [stadium]
Tribüne {f} [Stadion]
geogr. terrace
Absatz {m} [Gelände]
RealEst. terrace [row of houses]
Häuserreihe {f} [auf einem bestimmten Geländeniveau, zuweilen samt zugehöriger Straße]
archi. RealEst. terrace [patio or (paved) area alongside a building]
Freisitz {m} [Terrasse]
archi. terraceAltan {m}
2 Words: Nouns
archi. RealEst. (housing) terrace {sg} [Br.] [row of houses built in one block in a uniform style]Reihenhäuser {pl}
geogr. geol. abrasion terraceAbrasionsterrasse {f} [Felsschorre]
archi. TrVocab. Brühl's TerraceBrühlsche Terrasse {f}
covered terracegedeckte Terrasse {f}
archi. end terrace [Br.]Reiheneckhaus {n}
geol. fluvial terraceFlussterrasse {f}
archi. RealEst. garden terraceGartenterrasse {f}
geol. gravel terraceSchotterterrasse {f}
hut terrace [mostly mountaineering huts]Hüttenterrasse {f} [Berghüttenterrasse]
museum terraceMuseumsterrasse {f}
observation terraceAussichtsterrasse {f}
open terraceFreiterrasse {f}
panorama terraceAussichtsterrasse {f}
panorama terracePanoramaterrasse {f}
panoramic terracePanoramaterrasse {f}
archi. restaurant terraceRestaurantterrasse {f}
geol. river terraceFlussterrasse {f}
archi. RealEst. roof terraceDachterrasse {f}
archi. RealEst. rooftop terraceDachterrasse {f}
sports south terrace [football]Südtribüne {f}
archi. RealEst. travel sun terraceSonnenterrasse {f}
sports terrace chant [Br.] [football etc.]Tribünengesang {m} [Fußball usw.]
sports terrace chants [sung in the stadium during a football match]Fußballlieder {pl} [Stadiongesänge, Fan-Gesänge]
agr. terrace cultivationTerrassenfeldbau {m}
terrace doorTerrassentür {f}
agr. ecol. geogr. terrace formationTerrassenbildung {f}
terrace heaterTerrassenheizer {m}
terrace heaterTerrassenstrahler {m}
RealEst. terrace houseReihenhaus {n}
admin. terrace house [Br.]Wohnhaus {n} in Reihe
archi. urban terrace housesReihenhäuser {pl}
terrace slabTerrassenplatte {f}
sports terrace songs [Br.]Sprechchöre {pl} [bes. beim Fußball]
terrace windowTerrassenfenster {n}
geol. travertine terraceSinterterrasse {f}
3 Words: Others
on the terrace {adv}auf der Terrasse
3 Words: Nouns
geol. (lime) sinter terraceSinterterrasse {f}
RealEst. mid-terrace townhouse [Br.]Mittelreihenhaus {n}
archi. RealEst. roof-top terraceDachterrasse {f}
4 Words: Nouns
RealEst. end-of-terrace house [esp. Br.]Endhaus {n} <EH>
RealEst. mid-terrace town house [Br.]Reihenmittelhaus {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
art F Cafe Terrace at Night [Van Gogh]Caféterrasse bei Nacht
art F Café Terrace at Night [Vincent van Gogh]Caféterrasse am Abend
art F The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum [Vincent van Gogh] [Café Terrace at Night]Café Terrace auf dem Place du Forum [seltener] [Caféterrasse am Abend]
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A 2016-08-03: terrace
Q 2016-08-03: the terrace is overlooked
A 2014-07-04: Terrace
Q 2012-07-17: bluestone terrace
A 2009-05-29: replenishment of terrace ;-) ??
A 2009-05-29: maybe: the earth fills of the terrace; the terraced level areas
A 2009-02-16: I saw it last Thursday on my way to visit The Royal Society in Carlton Terrace
A 2008-02-19: http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&cr=countryUK%7CcountryGB&resnum=0&...
A 2008-01-29: terrace
A 2007-08-31: direct access from winter garden to terrace
A 2007-08-31: unrestricted access between (the) winter garden and (the) terrace
A 2007-08-26: Virtueller Rundgang durch die Koi Terrace
A 2007-03-01: '... by adding on a terrace / terraced area' genügt, finde ich
A 2005-09-20: stepped building - the pics are similar to the ones Y. posted; certainly n...
A 2005-09-20: multi-level terrace?
A 2005-09-20: ich hab "terrace house" gefunden
A 2005-04-20: terrace
Q 2005-04-20: terrace sun lounger
A 2005-02-21: roof terrace
A 2005-02-21: roof terrace

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