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English-German translation for: territorial
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Dictionary English German: territorial

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ADJ   territorial | - | -
SYNO   territorial | territorial reserve
ADJ  territorial | - | - ... 
territorial {adj}
territorial {adj}
territorial [e.g. acquisition, allocation, claim, expansion]Gebiets- [z. B. Erwerb, Aufteilung, Anspruch, Erweiterung]
territorially {adv}territorial
2 Words: Others
cross-territorial {adj}gebietsübergreifend
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. hist. pol. (territorial) partitionLandesteilung {f}
relig. territorial abbeyGebietsabtei {f}
territorial acquisitionGebietserwerb {m}
pol. territorial administrationTerritorialverwaltung {f}
territorial aggrandizementVergrößerung {f} des Territoriums
territorial allocationGebietsaufteilung {f}
territorial allocationGebietszuteilung {f}
Territorial ArmyLandwehr {f}
Territorial ArmyTerritorialarmee {f}
hist. territorial army [Br.]Landwehr {f}
mil. Territorial Army <TA> [Br.]Territorialheer {n} <TerrH>
territorial associationLandsmannschaft {f}
territorial authorityGebietskörperschaft {f}
zool. territorial behavior [Am.]Revierverhalten {n}
zool. territorial behavior [Am.]Territorialverhalten {n}
zool. territorial behaviour [Br.]Revierverhalten {n}
zool. territorial behaviour [Br.]Territorialverhalten {n}
orn. territorial birdReviervogel {m}
zool. territorial boundariesReviergrenzen {pl}
zool. territorial boundaryReviergrenze {f}
admin. relig. territorial churchLandeskirche {f}
hist. territorial cityLandstadt {f}
hist. territorial citylandesfürstliche Stadt {f}
hist. territorial citylandständische Stadt {f}
pol. territorial claimGebietsanspruch {m}
pol. territorial claimsGebietsansprüche {pl}
zool. territorial claimsHabitatansprüche {pl}
pol. territorial claimsterritoriale Ansprüche {pl}
hist. pol. territorial councilLandesrat {m}
mil. territorial defence [Br.]Territorialverteidigung {f}
hist. mil. territorial defence [Br.] [Holy Roman Empire]Landesdefension {f} [Heiliges Römisches Reich]
mil. territorial defense [Am.]Territorialverteidigung {f}
territorial disputeGebietsdisput {m}
territorial disputeGebietsstreitigkeit {f}
territorial disputeTerritorialkonflikt {m}
territorial disputesGebietsstreitigkeiten {pl}
territorial disputesTerritorialstreitigkeiten {pl}
pol. territorial distributionGebietsverteilung {f}
territorial divisionGebietsunterteilung {f}
econ. territorial economics [treated as sg. or pl.]Territorialökonomie {f}
territorial entityGebietskörperschaft {f}
hist. pol. territorial estatesLandstände {pl}
territorial expansionGebietserweiterung {f}
zool. territorial fightRevierkampf {m}
zool. territorial fightsRevierkämpfe {pl}
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A 2021-05-24: the concept(ion) of their counterparts / counter-figures did not allow for...
A 2019-03-12: landständisch > (in the Holy Roman Empire) belonging to the territorial estates
A 2015-11-16: territorial application
A 2014-09-10: territorial coverage (European Commission, case COMP/38.628))
A 2012-03-23: combined: "territorial exclusivity"
A 2011-09-28: territorial (public) body / agency
A 2010-12-02: (international) territorial treaty
A 2008-10-27: might be territorial/geographical basis
A 2008-02-25: "Unter den landsässigen Geschlechtern war er unbekannt." > Nobody among th...
A 2008-02-25: For a list of German territorial lords, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L...
A 2008-02-25: landsässig: you are not immediately under the king but a subject of a terr...
A 2008-02-25: Landesherr > territorial lord; Landsasse > territorial subject; landsässig...
A 2007-12-04: enlightened territorial lords http://www5.dict.cc/?s=Landesherr
A 2007-07-29: territoRy; terrItorial
A 2007-01-23: The ?medium-sized? German states, which were allowed to remain sovereign, ...
A 2006-09-06: Flächenland > territorial state / Land
A 2006-08-09: Territorial scentmarking.
A 2006-08-02: territorial sea
A 2006-04-05: territorial reform
A 2004-01-27: Territorial mark

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