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English-German translation for: tested
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Dictionary English German: tested

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VERB  to test | tested | tested ... 
SYNO   tested | time-tested | tried ... 
tested {adj} {past-p}
tested {adj} {past-p}
tested {adj} {past-p}
tested {adj} {past-p}
tested {adj} {past-p}
bewährt [erprobt]
tested {adj} {past-p}
sb. testedjd. prüfte
2 Words: Others
allergy-tested {adj}allergiegeprüft
allergy-tested {adj}allergiegetestet
battle-tested {adj}kampferfahren
battle-tested {adj}kampferprobt
battle-tested {adj}schlachterprobt
cosmet. med. clinically tested {adj} {past-p}klinisch getestet
tech. crack-tested {adj} {past-p}rissgeprüft
crisis-tested {adj}krisenerprobt
cosmet. dermatologically tested {adj}dermatologisch getestet
field-tested {adj}erprobt [im praktischen Einsatz]
field-tested {adj}praxiserprobt
field-tested {adj}praxisgetestet
field-tested {adj}im Einsatz erprobt
tech. functionally tested {adj}funktionsgetestet
functions tested {adj}funktionsgeprüft
tech. laboratory-tested {adj} {past-p}laborgeprüft
leak-tested {adj}leckgeprüft
LGA-tested {adj}LGA-schadstoffgeprüft
means-tested {adj}bedürftigkeitsorientiert
much tested {adj}vielgeprüft
much tested {adj}viel geprüft
safety-tested {adj}sicherheitsgeprüft
tech. system-tested {adj}systemgeprüft
time-tested {adj}altbewährt
time-tested {adj}lange erprobt
time-tested {adj}von alters her bewährt [geh.]
VetMed. tuberculin-tested {adj}tuberkulingetestet
type-tested {adj}bauartgeprüft
type-tested {adj}baumustergeprüft
type-tested {adj}typgeprüft
med. virus-tested {adj}virusgetestet
well-tested {adj}wohlerprobt
well-tested {adj}wohl erprobt [Rsv.]
2 Words: Verbs
med. to get tested [i.e. for a disease]sichAkk. testen lassen [z. B. auf Corona]
3 Words: Others
material QM tech. sth. is routine-testedetw. wird einer Stückprüfung unterzogen
tested and approved {adj} {adv}geprüft und freigegeben
relig. tested by suffering {adj}leidgeprüft
tried and tested {adj} {past-p}bewährt
tried and tested {adj} {past-p}praxisbewährt
tried and tested {adj}probat
tried and tested {adj}geprüft und erprobt
tried and tested {adj} [idiom]altbewährt
tried and tested {adj} [idiom]seit Langem erprobt
3 Words: Verbs
to be being testedauf dem Prüfstand stehen
3 Words: Nouns
LGA-tested certificateLGA-tested-Zertifikat {n} ["LGA-tested"]
means-tested benefitsbedarfsorientierte Leistungen {pl}
means-tested payment [Ireland]vermögensabhängige Leistung {f} [Sozialleistung, Irland]
oenol. quality-tested wine [with special attributes]Prädikatswein {m}
tech. tested (for) safetygeprüfte Sicherheit {f} <GS>
tuberculin-tested milkauf TBC getestete Milch {f}
4 Words: Others
not tested on animals {adj} [postpos.]tierversuchsfrei
idiom tried and tested / trusted {adj}vielfach bewährt
idiom tried and tested / trusted {adj}seit Langem bewährt
4 Words: Verbs
to be tried and tested [idiom]sich bewährt haben
4 Words: Nouns
tech. GS tested safety markSiegel {n} Geprüfte Sicherheit [GS geprüfte Sicherheit]
offer to be testedTestangebot {n}
tried and tested meansbewährtes Mittel {n}
tried and tested meansprobates Mittel {n}
tried and tested remedyaltbewährtes Mittel {n}
5+ Words: Others
in the tried and tested way {adv}in altbewährter Manier
tested and proven to work {adj}getestet und für funktionsfähig / funktional befunden
5+ Words: Verbs
to seek security in the tried and testedim Bewährten Sicherheit suchen
5+ Words: Nouns
tech. LGA-tested certificate of approvalLGA-Baumusterbescheinigung {f}
pol. means-tested minimum income schemeBedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung {f} [österr.]
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A 2019-09-26: dermatologically tested and rated "very good"
A 2016-10-19: I think +means-tested minimum pension+ is ok for BE,
A 2015-08-06: Tried, tested and innovative (is the new black) / Time-tested innovation /...
A 2015-06-18: The 'main' sirens are still tested at noon every Saturday in Austria.
Q 2014-12-27: time-tested principles
A 2014-07-30: Fürsorge (means-tested welfare system?)
Q 2013-09-26: Text über Medizingerät für Augen (Abgabe Fr. 27.09. um 9 Uhr) - auch diese...
Q 2011-11-26: x has been tested and proven to work
A 2011-10-11: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&cr=countryUK|countryGB&ie=ISO-8859-1&...
A 2011-10-11: Mein Versuch: "tested and acknowledged by a veteran"
Q 2011-05-18: pre-tested
A 2011-02-21: One standard expression is "using time-tested and proven technology."
A 2010-11-23: I took it to mean one particular toy was tested and different parts had di...
A 2010-06-21: Here we may be verifiably tested
A 2010-03-31: kind to your skin and dermatologically tested.
A 2009-04-13: assembled and tested with agreed hardware configuration, as a rule with pr...
Q 2009-03-19: static load tested
A 2009-01-30: ...do not consist solely of... but are also tested for their visual effect...
Q 2009-01-29: to be tested with
A 2008-11-10: tom, what exactly is being tested? Our patience?

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