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English-German translation for: thallium(I) bromide
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Dictionary English German: thallium I bromide

Translation 1 - 50 of 4404  >>

chem. thallium(I) bromide [TlBr]Thallium(I)-bromid {n}
chem. thallium(III) bromide [TlBr3, Br3Tl]Thallium(III)-bromid {n}
Partial Matches
chem. thallium(I) chloride [TlCl]Thallium(I)-chlorid {n}
chem. thallium(I) fluoride [TlF]Thallium(I)-fluorid {n}
chem. thallium(I) nitrate [TlNO3]Thallium(I)-nitrat {n}
chem. thallium(I) oxide [Tl2O]Thallium(I)-oxid {n}
chem. thallium(I) sulfate [Am.] [Tl2SO4]Thallium(I)-sulfat {n}
chem. thallium(I) sulfide [Am.] [Tl2S]Thallium(I)-sulfid {n}
chem. thallium(I) hydroxide [TIOH, Tl(OH)]Thallium(I)-hydroxid {n}
chem. copper(I) bromide [CuBr]Kupfer(I)-bromid {n}
chem. indium(I) bromide [InBr]Indium(I)-bromid {n}
chem. mercury(I) bromide [Hg2Br2]Quecksilber(I)-bromid {n}
chem. thallium <Tl>Thallium {n} <Tl>
chem. thallium atomThalliumatom {n}
chem. thallium compoundThalliumverbindung {f}
chem. thallium isotopeThalliumisotop {n} [auch: Thallium-Isotop]
chem. thallium oxideThalliumoxid {n}
med. thallium poisoningThalliumvergiftung {f}
chem. thallium chlorate [TlClO3]Thalliumchlorat {n}
chem. thallium monofluoride [TlF]Thalliummonofluorid {n}
chem. thallium trichloride [TlCl3]Thalliumtrichlorid {n}
chem. thallium tribromide [TlBr3, Br3Tl]Thalliumtribromid {n}
chem. thallium trifluoride [TlF3, F3Tl]Thalliumtrifluorid {n}
chem. thallium(III) oxide [Tl2O3]Thallium(III)-oxid {n}
thallium (atomic) beam clockThallium-Atomuhr {f}
thallium (atomic) beam clockThalliumatomuhr {f}
chem. thallium(III) nitrate <TTN> [Tl(NO3)3]Thallium(III)-nitrat {n} <TTN>
quote I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. [The Hunt for Red October (film)]Ich bin Politiker, das heißt, ich bin ein Betrüger und Lügner, und wenn ich kleinen Kindern keine Küsschen gebe, klaue ich ihnen ihre Bonbons.
chem. bromideBromid {n}
print bromideBromsilberdruck {m}
bromide [coll.]Binsenwahrheit {f}
bromide [coll.]Binsenweisheit {f}
bromide [coll.]Plattitüde {f} [geh.]
bromide [fig.]Gemeinplatz {m}
chem. cosmet. benzalkonium bromideBenzalkoniumbromid {n}
med. bromide acneBromakne {f}
chem. material bromide concentrationBromidkonzentration {f}
chem. cyanogen bromideBromcyan {n}
med. pancuronium bromidePancuroniumbromid {n}
pharm. rocuronium bromideRocuroniumbromid {n}
pharm. tiotropium bromideTiotropiumbromid {n}
pharm. vecuronium bromideVecuroniumbromid {n}
bromide [coll.] [pej.]Langweiler {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pharm. aclidinium bromide [C26H30BrNO4S2]Aclidiniumbromid {n}
chem. ammonium bromide [NH4Br]Ammoniumbromid {n}
chem. barium bromide [BaBr2]Bariumbromid {n}
chem. benzyl bromide [C7H7Br]Benzylbromid {n}
chem. beryllium bromide [BeBr2]Berylliumbromid {n}
chem. cadmium bromide [CdBr2]Cadmiumbromid {n}
chem. chromic bromide [CrBr3]Chrom(III)-bromid {n}
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