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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: that's
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Dictionary English German: that's

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(That's) bullshit! [vulg.]Blödsinn! [ugs.]
That's all.Das war's.
That's all.Das wär's.
That's all.Mehr nicht.
That's all.Sonst nichts.
That's all.Das ist alles.
That's all.Das wäre alles.
That's awesome! [Am.] [coll.]Das geht ab! [ugs.]
That's awesome! [coll.]Das ist der Hammer! [ugs.] [Das ist großartig!]
That's awful!Das ist verheerend!
That's because ...Das ist so, weil ...
That's because ...Das kommt daher, dass ...
That's because ...Das kommt daher, weil ...
That's because ...Das liegt daran, dass ...
That's better.Schon besser.
That's bollocks! [Br.] [vulg.] [idiom]Quatsch mit Soße! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
That's daft. [Br.] [coll.]Das ist ja behindert. [ugs.] [blöd, schwachsinnig] [diskriminierend!]
That's done.Das ist erledigt.
That's enough!Es reicht!
That's enough!Genug jetzt!
That's enough!Jetzt ist Sense! [ugs. für: Jetzt ist Schluss!]
That's enough.Schluss jetzt.
That's extortionate!Das ist Wucher!
That's fine.Das geht schon.
That's fine.Geht in Ordnung. [ugs.]
That's fun!Das macht Spaß!
That's fun!Das macht mir Spaß!
That's hokey! [Am.]Das ist Quatsch! [ugs.]
That's horrible!Das ist schrecklich!
That's impossible!Das gibt's doch nicht! [ugs.]
That's irrelevant.Das gehört nicht hier her. [fig.]
That's irrelevant.Das tut nichts zur Sache.
That's it!Gut so!
That's it!Das ist es!
That's it! [idiom]Ende Gelände! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
That's it.Das war's.
That's it.Mir reicht's.
idiom That's it. [coll.]Na fein! [ugs.]
That's life! [idiom]So ist das Leben! [Redewendung]
That's manageable.Das lässt sich schon machen.
That's me.Das bin ich.
That's mine.Das ist mir. [ugs.] [regional, z. B. Rheinland-Pfalz, Nordrhein-Westfalen] [Das gehört mir. oder Das ist meins.]
That's nonsense.Das ist ein Topfen. [österr.] [ugs.] [Unsinn]
That's nothing!Das ist eine Kleinigkeit!
That's obvious.Das ist doch selbstverständlich.
That's okay.Passt scho! [bayer.] [österr.]
That's outrageous!Das ist eine Unverschämtheit!
That's outrageous.Das schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus. [auch fig.] [Redewendung]
That's people.So sind die Menschen.
That's right!So ist es!
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A 2024-01-17: That's a tough one ...
A 2023-08-29: Wow, that's a good one, RedRufus!
A 2023-07-02: That's the way it is.
A 2023-05-19: One would absolutely use Zettel to refer to a form colloquially in Austria...
A 2023-03-28: Sure, the smearing of Corbyn was unjustified, absolutely agree, if that's ...
A 2022-09-01: @polarjud: that's fair, 10 years is certainly hyperbole. Though I will say...
A 2022-06-20: That's it, Lllama! My guess was wrong.
A 2022-06-20: Aha! That's a different story, then! (and forget my try yesterday 22:54)
A 2021-02-28: That's what I have finally written. Thanks to all!
A 2021-02-28: Yes, but that's not what you said above ;-)
A 2021-02-28: Llama, that's why the term "nationality" is ambiguous...
A 2021-02-26: That's possible,
A 2021-02-05: @ Windfall: Right, that's what I meant to say: many Honey translations are...
A 2021-01-17: Ha ha! That's a really funny court case, actually!
A 2020-10-27: Sure, Proteus, that's true, too.
A 2020-10-26: Dear Michael, thank you for your help and your "general note"! That's exac...
A 2020-10-23: Yes, that's good, thanks a lot!
Q 2020-09-28: That's how it goes.
A 2020-09-25: that's what I thought: It seems to be a "notarization"
A 2020-09-09: That's actually a good idea!

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