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| [things that happen or have to be done compulsorily] | Zwangsmäßigkeiten {pl} [Dinge, die zwangsmäßig geschehen oder zu tun sind] | |
Partial Matches |
| paradox [a seemingly contradictory statement that might be true] [a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true] | Paradoxon {n} [geh.] [Widerspruch in sich selbst] | |
| law dative {adj} [that may be given] | vergebbar | |
| [washing that can / needs to be boiled] | Kochwäsche {f} | |
| fakeable {adj} [that which can be faked or falsified] | verfälschbar | |
| hopefully {adv} [sentence adverb: it is to be hoped that ...] | hoffentlich | |
| pol. [principle that benefits must be lower than wages] | Lohnabstandsgebot {n} | |
| naut. spillage [that can be swept up] | Fegsel {n} [regional] [Kehricht] | |
| for. dry fallen wood [that can be legally gathered] | Leseholz {n} | |
| law [list of dog breeds that are considered to be dangerous] | Rasseliste {f} | |
| switch [thin stick that can be easily bent] | Gerte {f} [Rute] | |
| to hold [be of the opinion (that)] | dafürhalten [geh.] [der Meinung sein (dass)] | |
| admin. [letter demanding that sth. be done within a certain time] | Binnenbrief {m} [ugs.] | |
| [to scream so loudly that it can be heard all down the street] | häuserweit schreien | |
| gastr. cooking spray [e.g. cooking oil that can be sprayed on a pan] | Kochspray {n} [seltener {m}] | |
| med. palpable {adj} [tumor etc. that can be felt] | ertastbar [Tumor u. ä.] | |
| comp. problem domain [area of expertise or application that needs to be examined to solve a problem] | Anwendungsdomäne {f} [abgegrenztes Problemfeld] | |
| [letter stating that one's job application would be filed for future vacancies] | Eis-Schreiben {n} [Jargon im Personalwesen] | |
| idiom be that as it will [less frequent than: be that as it may] | sei es, wie es sei | |
| go-to [attr.] [coll.] [sth. that can always be relied on] | eine Bank {f} für jdn./etw. [etw. worauf immer Verlass ist] | |
| impact evaluation [assesses the changes that can be attributed to a particular intervention] | Wirkungsuntersuchung {f} [Untersuchung von langfristigen Wirkungen eines Programmes / einer Maßnahme] | |
| comp. wontfix {adj} [often capitalized] [a tag in bug-tracking systems stating that a bug will not be fixed] | [Ein Tag in Bugtrackern, der besagt, dass ein Fehler nicht behoben wird.] | |
| that {adv} [so] [e.g. that much, that furious] | so [dermaßen] [z. B. so viel, so wütend] | |
| [late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned] | seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend] | |
| to lie [be in a horizontal position, be situated] | liegen | |
| to come under [be to be found under] | sich finden unter | |
| to get to [coll.] [be, be situated] | abbleiben [ugs.] [bes. nordd.] | |
| econ. jobs full-time equivalent <FTE> [FTE of 1.0 means that the person's hours worked is equivalent to that of a full-time worker] | Mitarbeiteräquivalent {n} | |
| to transpire [happen] | geschehen | |
| to transpire [happen] | sich ereignen | |
| gastr. nibble | Kleinigkeit {f} [ugs.] [Happen] | |
| ling. spoken text [text that has been spoken or that is intended for being spoken] | Sprechtext {m} [gesprochener oder für das Sprechen vorgesehener Text] | |
| to be on the cards [Br.] [idiom] [be likely, be expectable] | (durchaus) zu erwarten sein | |
| to befall [literary] [happen] | sich ereignen | |
| to concur [happen together] | zusammenkommen [Ereignisse] | |
| to transpire [occur, happen] | passieren [geschehen] | |
| in store {adj} [about to happen] | bevorstehend | |
| to know one's onions [fig.] [coll.] [idiom] [be capable, be an expert] | sein Geschäft verstehen | |
| there {adv} [in that respect; on that matter / issue] | da [in dieser Hinsicht; in dieser Sache / Angelegenheit] | |
| to come about [happen] | sich zutragen [geh.] | |
| to go on [to happen] | vor sich gehen | |
| to anticipate sth. [cause to happen sooner] | etw. beschleunigen | |
| to befall [literary] [happen, occur] | sich zutragen [geh.] | |
| to betide sb. [literary] [happen to sb.] | jdm. zustoßen | |
| to concur [happen together] | auf einmal eintreten [gleichzeitig] | |
| to occur [happen, take place] | sich zutragen [geh.] | |
| to take place [idiom] [happen] | sich abspielen [stattfinden] | |
| ling. consuetudinal be [uninflected use of the verb "be" to indicate habitual or frequent action] | [unflektierter Gebrauch des Verbs "be"] | |
| law travel birth tourism [also: birth-tourism] [travelling to another country so that the child becomes a lawful citizen of that country] | Geburtstourismus {m} [Reise in ein anderes Land, damit das Kind die dortige Staatsangehörigkeit erhält] | |
| to occur [happen, take place] | vorfallen [geschehen, sich zutragen] | |
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