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English-German translation for: the best of
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Dictionary English German: the best of

Translation 1 - 50 of 93748  >>

Keywords contained
best of the best {adj}allerallerbeste
of the best sortvon der besten Sorte
The best of luck!Alles Gute!
the best of mender beste Mensch {m}
to make the best of sth.das Beste aus etw.Dat. herausholen
to make the best of sth.das Beste aus etw.Dat. machen
to make the best of sth.den größtmöglichen Vorteil aus etw.Dat. ziehen
to make the best of sth.sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. abfinden
to think the best of sb.von jdm. das Beste denken
in the best of health {adv}bei bester Gesundheit
to the best of my abilitynach meinem besten Können
idiom to the best of my belief {adv}nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen [bezogen auf »ich«]
idiom to the best of my belief {adv}nach meinem besten Wissen und Gewissen
idiom to the best of my belief {adv}nach meiner festen Überzeugung
to the best of my knowledge {adv}meines Wissens <m. W.>
to the best of my knowledge {adv}nach bestem Wissen [Subjekt: 1. Person Singular]
to the best of my knowledge {adv}soweit ich weiß
to the best of my memorysoweit ich mich erinnere
to the best of my power {adv}soweit es in meiner Macht liegt
to the best of my recollection {adv}soweit ich mich erinnere
to the best of my recollection {adv}soweit ich mich erinnern kann
to the best of our knowledge {adv}nach bestem Wissen
to the best of our knowledge {adv}nach unserem besten Wissen
with the best of intentions {adv}mit den besten Absichten
to have the best of itam besten wegkommen
to make the best of itdas Beste daraus machen
to the best of my abilitysoweit es in meinen Kräften steht
gastr. best cut of the meatbester Teil {m} des Fleisches
best estimate of the valuebester Schätzwert {m}
law best interests of the childKindeswohl {n}
best panorama of the areabester Blick {m} über das Land
goods of the best materialWare {f} von bestem Material
the best course of actiondie beste Lösung {f}
idiom the best of both worldsdas Beste {n} von beidem
to get the best of sb. [idiom]sichAkk. als stärker als jd. erweisen
to get the best of sb. [idiom]sichAkk. stärker als jd. erweisen [ugs.] [sich als stärker als jd. erweisen]
at the best of times {adv} [idiom]im besten Fall [Redewendung]
idiom The best of British (luck)! [coll.]Na, dann (mal) viel Glück!
To the best of my recollection ... {adv}Soweit ich mich erinnern kann ...
to the best of my ability / abilities {adv}so gut ich kann
to the best of my ability / abilities {adv}soweit ich kann
to the best of my knowledge <TTBOMK>nach meinem besten Wissen
to the best of my knowledge {adv} <TTBOMK>soweit ich mich auskenne
to the best of one's ability {adv}nach (besten) Kräften
to the best of one's ability {adv}nach bestem Können
to the best of one's ability {adv}so gut man kann
to the best of one's judgement {adv}nach bestem Ermessen
to be in the best of healthbei bester Gesundheit sein
to bring the best out of sb.das Beste aus jdm. herausholen
to wish sb. the best of luckjdm. viel Glück wünschen
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A 2015-12-15: Too late to change! Making the best of what we have.
A 2015-10-02: Or possibly make the best of a bad job.
Q 2015-02-22: Here nerves were getting the best of her.
A 2014-11-03: Heimat - difficult at the best of times ...
Q 2014-07-30: get the best of you
A 2012-11-28: think you misunderstood. If the best of the past is the worst of the futur...
A 2012-10-08: Dict doesn't have the best of translations for this one: http://contribute...
Q 2010-12-28: May the best of your past be the worst of your future
A 2010-12-05: better to say "in" the best of times, or no preposition at all
Q 2010-12-05: at the best of times
A 2010-08-09: They took the best of themselves and ... it perfectly reflected their pers...
Q 2010-04-04: For what it's worth I think you seem pretty terrific. Here's wishing you t...
Q 2010-04-04: or what it's worth I think you seem pretty terrific. Here's wishing you th...
A 2010-01-22: @Martin: agree that 'custody' and 'custodianship' is not the best of terms.
A 2009-10-23: As nobody else gives a damn, I confirm +specific+ to the best of my knowledge.
A 2009-03-18: Think 'best' works ok here. THEY are the best of the bunch. The bestest ...
A 2008-11-16: in every respect the best of good fortune in 2009=all the best for 2009
A 2008-10-23: the best of the best > die Allerbesten
A 2008-09-02: The Best Of Taste
A 2008-09-02: A Restaurant In The Best Of Taste - Ein Restaurant mit Geschmack

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