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English-German translation for: the touch
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Dictionary English German: the touch

Translation 1 - 50 of 44007  >>

Keywords contained
to touch the brakedie Bremse antippen
the common touchVolkstümlichkeit {f}
the final touchder letzte Schliff {m}
the finishing touchder letzte Schliff {m}
the Midas touchdie Gabe {f} des Midas [alles in Gold zu verwandeln]
(the) common touch [idiom]Volksnähe {f}
at the least touch {adv}bei der geringsten Berührung
at the slightest touch {adv}bei der geringsten Berührung
lukewarm (to the touch) {adj}handwarm
warm to the touch {adj}handwarm
idiom to have the common touchgut mit den Leuten können [ugs.]
to have the magic touchmagische Fähigkeiten haben
to touch the right chorddie richtige Saite anschlagen
sports touch of the ballBallberührung {f}
sports touch of the ballBallkontakt {m}
Don't touch the subject.Sprich das Thema nicht an.
to be the final touch [idiom]der Punkt auf dem I sein [Redewendung]
to give sth. the final touchdas Werk vollenden
to give sth. the finishing touchdas Werk vollenden
to have the Midas touch [idiom]ein glückliches Händchen haben [in finanzieller Hinsicht] [Redewendung]
to touch sb. on the rawjdn. an einer empfindlichen Stelle treffen
to be cold to the touchsich kalt anfühlen
to be hot to the touchsich heiß anfühlen
to be warm to the touchsich warm anfühlen
to feel warm to the touchsich warm anfühlen
a touch of the sunein wenig Sonne {f}
lit. F Touch the Devil [Jack Higgins]Die Teufelsrose
to touch all the bases [Am.] [fig.]an alles denken
idiom to touch sb. to the quick [fig.]jdn. (tief) im Innersten treffen
to touch sb. to the quick [idiom]jdn. ans Herz rühren [Redewendung]
at the touch of a button {adv}auf Knopfdruck
at the touch of a button {adv}mit einem Knopfdruck
at the touch of a button {adv}per Knopfdruck [mittels]
He has the Midas touch. [idiom]Er kann aus Dreck Gold machen. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
pol. in touch with the people {adj} [postpos.]bürgernah
pol. in touch with the people {adj} [postpos.]volksnah
Keep in touch with the market!Bleiben Sie mit dem Markt in Kontakt!
out of touch with the present {adj}gegenwartsfremd
idiom to add the final touch to sth.das i-Tüpfelchen auf etw. setzen
idiom to have the magic touch for sth.ein Händchen für etw. haben [ugs.] [alles gelingt]
to have the common touch [politician, major etc.]einen guten Draht zum (einfachen) Volk haben
pol. in touch with the common man {adj} [postpos.]volksnah
out of touch with the real world {adj}abgehoben [ugs.] [wirklichkeitsfremd]
to get a touch of the jitters [coll.]das große Bibbern haben [ugs.]
film F The Light Touch [US title] [Michael Truman]Meine bessere Hälfte
to add the finishing touch / touches to sth. [idiom]letzte Hand an etw.Akk. legen [Redewendung]
to be out of touch with the real world(völlig / total) abgedreht sein [ugs.] [sonderbar, exzentrisch sein]
bibl. to touch the tassel on his cloak [also fig.]den Saum seines Gewandes berühren [auch fig.]
lit. F A Touch of the Poet [Eugene O'Neill]Fast ein Poet
to have a touch of the tar brush [coll.] [offensive]gemischtrassig sein
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A 2021-01-12: smooth to the touch
Q 2013-09-15: The Touch
A 2010-01-21: by the touch - that's nice, thank you!
A 2010-01-21: works better by the touch
A 2009-09-14: the touch of the button causes / triggers / starts the request of this position
A 2008-02-03: 'calibrate the touchscreen' = den Bildschirm kalibrieren/einstellen. HIER:...
A 2007-12-31: soft to the touch
A 2007-11-29: extra soft to the touch ?
A 2007-08-21: In a matter of seconds he had (called) everything up on the touchscreen?
A 2006-10-23: Still having the touch of complexity... :)

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