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English-German translation for: themselves.
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Dictionary English German: themselves

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
PRON1  - | himself | -
PRON2  - | herself | -
PRON3  - | itself | -
themselves {pron}
selbst [3. Pers. pl.]
themselves {pron} [direct / indirect object]
sich [3. Person Plural]
themselves {adv} [for their part]
themselves {pron}selber [meist ugs.] [selbst]
themselves {pron} [direct / indirect object]sich selbst
2 Words: Others
among themselves {adv}untereinander
among themselves {adv}unter sich
amongst themselves {adv} [esp. Br.]untereinander
between themselves {adv}untereinander
by themselvesvon selbst
of themselvesihrer selbst
2 Words: Verbs
to distinguish themselvessich unterscheiden
to support themselvesihren Lebensunterhalt bestreiten
3 Words: Verbs
to be by themselvesunter sich sein
to halve (itself / themselves)sich halbieren
to present itself / themselvessich eröffnen [Möglichkeiten, Perspektiven etc.]
to show itself / themselves [become visible, appear]in Erscheinung treten [sichtbar werden]
3 Words: Nouns
ends in themselvesSelbstzwecke {pl}
4 Words: Others
gastr. Everybody can help themselves.Jeder kann sich (selbst) bedienen.
They are robbing themselves [of sth.]Sie berauben sich selbst [+ Gen.]
idiom They made themselves scarce. [coll.]Sie nahmen Reißaus. [ugs.]
They quarreled among themselves. [Am.]Sie stritten sich untereinander.
They were beside themselves. [idiom]Sie gerieten außer Rand und Band. [Redewendung]
4 Words: Verbs
to argue sth. out between themselvesetw. untereinander ausmachen [austragen]
to gorge oneself / itself / themselvessich vollfressen [ugs.] [pej.]
to present itself / themselves (to sb.)sich (jdm.) bieten [Gelegenheit, Chance etc.]
4 Words: Nouns
end in itself / themselvesZweck {m} an sich
goods {pl} dangerous in themselvesan sich gefährliches Gut {n}
5+ Words: Others
quote Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens. [Schiller]
idiom Heaven helps those who help themselves.Hilf Dir selbst, so hilft Dir Gott.
proverb Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert.
New procedures are not an end unto themselves.Neue Verfahren sind nicht Selbstzweck.
sth. is suitable for people teaching themselvesetw. ist geeignet für Selbstlerner
proverb Take care of the pence / pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert.
The figures speak for themselves.Die Zahlen sprechen für sich.
The figures speak for themselves. [idiom]Die Zahlen sprechen eine klare Sprache. [Redewendung]
The stats speak for themselves. [coll.]Die Statistiken sprechen für sich.
They were beside themselves with joy.Sie waren vor Freude ganz aus dem Häuschen.
Things will sort themselves out (all right). [idiom]Das wird sich schon einspielen. [Redewendung]
When they were by themselves, ...Als sie allein waren, ...
proverb With stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.Der Dummheit ist kein Kraut gewachsen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be responsible himself / herself / themselvesselbst verantwortlich sein
to encourage sb. to keep himself / herself / themselves physically fitjdn. zur körperlichen Ertüchtigung anhalten
idiom to let the facts speak for themselves [fig.]die Fakten für sich sprechen lassen [fig.]
to teach pupils to think for themselvesSchüler zu geistiger Selbstständigkeit erziehen
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Q 2023-06-21: in themselves
A 2023-02-20: @Uffiee: As I'm sure you're aware, an English word can translate correctly...
A 2021-08-27: Let's give those that proclaim themselves lexicographers a voting power of...
A 2021-07-02: The splendid Denglish trans quoted by callixte gives the impression of cla...
A 2021-06-02: "to liken themselves to each other"?
Q 2021-06-01: to like themselves=sich untereinander vergleichen?
A 2019-04-09: they flatter themselves ... , they think a lot of themselves ...
A 2018-12-17: Writing about themselves?
Q 2018-12-17: writing themselves
A 2017-09-13: it's strange: What's placed under a taboo are not so much the words themse...
Q 2017-08-09: law unto themselves
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A 2017-01-24: Wisely, http://m.dict.cc/ gives no access to the Forum. The miniscreens do...
A 2016-09-07: Pull themselves up by their own bootstraps ?
Q 2016-08-19: strong to show themselves?
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A 2015-11-12: according to what opportunities offered themselves from case to case
A 2015-10-22: Embassy personnel or staff in general do not represent anybody but themsel...
A 2015-08-07: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/angela-merkel-has-inspired-a...
A 2015-07-16: They were working the brew kit to the bone, not themselves.

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