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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: therapy-accompanying
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therapy-accompanying in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: therapy accompanying

Translation 1 - 50 of 705  >>

ADJ   therapy-accompanying | - | -
med. psych. therapy-accompanying {adj}therapiebegleitend
Partial Matches
med. radioactive iodine therapy <RAI therapy> [radioiodine therapy]Radiojodtherapie {f} <RJT>
med. non-invasive ventilation therapy <NIV therapy>nicht-invasive Beatmungstherapie {f} <NIBT, NIB-Therapie>
med. anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy <anti-VEGF therapy>anti-vaskuläre endotheliale Wachstumsfaktor-Therapie {f} <Anti-VEGF-Therapie>
med. interferon-alpha therapy <IFNα therapy, IFN-alpha therapy>Interferon-Alpha-Therapie {f} <IFNα-Therapie, IFN-alpha-Therapie>
accompanying {adj} {pres-p}begleitend
accompanying {adj}beigefügt
accompanying {adj} {pres-p}beiliegend
accompanying {adj} {pres-p}flankierend
accompanying {adj}mitgeliefert
accompanying {adj} {pres-p}nebenstehend
accompanying {adj} {pres-p}zurückbegleitend
accompanying {adj} [attr.]zugehörig
accompanying {adj} [letter]in der Anlage [Schreiben] [nachgestellt]
accompanying backzurückbegleitend
constr. construction-accompanying {adj}baubegleitend
accompanying adultsbegleitende Erwachsene {pl}
acad. accompanying articleBegleitartikel {m}
geol. mining accompanying bedBegleitflöz {n}
naut. accompanying boatBegleitboot {n}
accompanying bookBegleitbuch {n} [zu einem Lehrgang etc.]
accompanying bookletBegleitbroschüre {f}
accompanying bookletBegleitheft {n}
accompanying brochureBegleitbroschüre {f}
econ. tech. accompanying certificateBegleitschein {m}
fin. accompanying chargesNebengebühren {pl}
rail accompanying coachBegleitwagen {m}
accompanying commentarybegleitender Kommentar {m}
med. accompanying complaintsBegleitbeschwerden {pl}
med. accompanying diseaseBegleiterkrankung {f}
jobs med. accompanying doctorBegleitarzt {m}
accompanying documentBegleitdokument {n}
accompanying documentBegleitpapier {n}
accompanying documentBegleitunterlage {f}
accompanying documentBegleitzettel {m}
comm. accompanying documentWarenbegleitschein {m}
econ. tech. accompanying documentationBegleitdokumentation {f}
accompanying documentsBegleitdokumente {pl}
accompanying documentsBegleitpapiere {pl}
accompanying documentsBegleitunterlagen {pl}
accompanying documentsbeiliegende Dokumente {pl}
med. accompanying effectBegleiteffekt {m}
med. accompanying effectBegleiterscheinung {f}
tech. accompanying elementBegleitelement {n}
accompanying eventBegleitveranstaltung {f}
archaeo. accompanying findBegleitfund {m}
archaeo. accompanying findBeifund {m} [Begleitfund]
med. accompanying illnessBegleiterkrankung {f}
med. accompanying injuryBegleitverletzung {f}
mus. accompanying instrumentBegleitinstrument {n}
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