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English-German translation for: thermo suit
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Dictionary English German: thermo suit

Translation 1 - 50 of 468  >>

NOUN   a thermo suit | thermo suits
cloth. thermo suitThermoanzug {m}
Partial Matches
spec. thermo- {prefix}Thermo- / thermo-
ecol. thermo-Canarian {adj}thermokanarisch
thermo-hardening {adj}hitzehärtend
phys. tech. thermo-mechanical {adj}thermo-mechanisch
tech. thermo switchThermoschalter {m}
med. thermo-coagulationThermokoagulation {f}
tech. thermo-controlThermoregler {m}
tech. thermo-hygrographThermohygrograph {m}
phys. thermo-luminescenceThermolumineszenz {f}
tech. thermo-probeThermosonde {f}
engin. thermo-rivetingthermisches Nieten {n}
biol. material thermo-toleranceThermotoleranz {f}
dent. thermo-forming processTiefziehprozess {m}
dent. thermo-forming unitTiefziehgerät {n}
thermo cabinet [also: thermocabinet]Thermoschrank {m}
dent. pressure thermo-forming unitDrucktiefziehgerät {n}
to suitgelegen kommen
cloth. suitAnzug {m}
cloth. suitHerrenanzug {m}
law suitKlage {f} [Zivilrecht]
law suitProzess {m}
law suitProzeß {m} [alt]
law suitRechtsstreitigkeit {f}
games suitSpielkartenfarbe {f}
cloth. suitTracht {f}
to suit [match]übereinstimmen
to suit sb.jdm. dienlich sein
to suit sb.jdm. liegen
to suit sb.jdm. passen [gut stehen, recht sein, genehm sein]
cloth. to suit sb.jdn. kleiden [jdm. stehen]
to suit sth.sichAkk. für etw.Akk. eignen
games suit [cards]Farbe {f} [Karten]
suit [coll.]Krawattenträger {m} [ugs.]
suit [coll.]Schlipsträger {m} [ugs.]
suit [request]Gesuch {n}
law in suit {adj}strittig
Suit yourself.Wie du meinst.
law to file suiteinen Prozess einleiten
to follow suitmitziehen [nachziehen]
cloth. $500 suit500-Dollar-Anzug {m}
law alimony suitAlimentenklage {f}
cloth. FireResc asbestos suitAsbestanzug {m}
cloth. beach suitStrandanzug {m}
cloth. beach-suitStrandanzug {m}
cloth. bespoke suitMaßanzug {m}
cloth. best suitbester Anzug {m}
law bias suitDiskriminierungsklage {f}
cloth. hist. Bloomer suitBloomer-Kostüm {n}
cloth. body (suit)Body {m} [einteilige Gymnastik- und Tanzbekleidung]
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