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English-German translation for: thickness
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Dictionary English German: thickness

Translation 1 - 50 of 197  >>

English German
NOUN   a thickness | thicknesses
SYNO   heaviness | thickness
Dicke {f}
Stärke {f} [Dicke]
Dichte {f}
Schichtdicke {f}
phys. thickness
Dickte {f} [Dicke]
Dichtheit {f}
geol. mining thickness
Mächtigkeit {f}
gastr. thickness [of a soup, sauce etc.]Sämigkeit {f}
2 Words: Nouns
geol. aggregate thickness [e.g. of rock layer]Gesamtmächtigkeit {f} [z. B. einer Gesteinsschicht]
average thicknessDurchschnittsdicke {f}
tech. average thicknessdurchschnittliche Dicke {f}
average thicknessdurchschnittliche Stärke {f} [Dicke]
tech. average thicknessmittlere Dicke {f}
tech. average thicknessmittlere Stärke {f} [Dicke]
nucl. banana thicknessBananendicke {f}
base thicknessBasisdicke {f}
block thicknessBlockdicke {f}
med. cartilage thicknessKnorpeldicke {f}
engin. center thickness [Am.]Mittendicke {f}
engin. center-thickness [Am.]Mittendicke {f}
engin. centre thickness [Br.]Mittendicke {f}
comp. chip thicknessChipdicke {f}
tech. chip thickness [in wood and metal processing]Spandicke {f} [bei der Holz- und Metallverarbeitung]
material chip thickness [in wood and metal processing]Spanstärke {f} [bei der Holz- und Metallverarbeitung]
tech. coat thicknessSchichtdicke {f}
tech. coat thicknessSchichtstärke {f}
tech. coating thicknessBeschichtungsdicke {f}
tech. coating thicknessBeschichtungsstärke {f} [Beschichtungsdicke]
tech. coating thicknessSchichtdicke {f}
tech. coating thicknessSchichtstärke {f} [Schichtdicke]
engin. material composite thicknessVerbunddicke {f}
MedTech. tech. compression thicknessKompressionsdicke {f}
electr. conductor thicknessLeiterdicke {f}
tech. cord thicknessSchnurstärke {f}
material core thicknessKerndicke {f}
material core thicknessKernstärke {f}
anat. med. zool. corneal thicknessHornhautdicke {f}
geol. crustal thicknessKrustendicke {f}
geol. crustal thicknessKrustenmächtigkeit {f} [Dicke]
tech. default thicknessStandardstärke {f} [Dicke]
tech. desired thicknessSolldicke {f}
tech. disc thicknessScheibenstärke {f}
tech. edge thicknessRandstärke {f}
entire thicknessGesamtdicke {f} [gesamte Dicke]
material film thickness <FT>Filmdicke {f}
material film thickness <FT>Filmstärke {f}
biol. tech. fin thicknessLamellendicke {f}
glass thicknessGlasdicke {f}
hydro. groundwater thicknessGrundwassermächtigkeit {f}
agr. for. geol. humus thicknessHumusmächtigkeit {f}
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A 2016-03-13: wall-thickness gauge
A 2016-03-13: the thickness of the material of the shell...wohl auch nicht
Q 2012-04-19: the thickness of the height may be thinner ???
Q 2011-07-19: layer with a thickness below four-five times the skin depth
A 2011-01-27: For bladder and curse, in thickness and stealth... ;-)
Q 2009-05-26: at (with?) layer thickness of...
Q 2009-05-26: Schichtdicke an Nullproben - layer thickness at (with?) zero samples
A 2009-04-25: ? paper types structured and coated in the wall thickness (making them bul...
A 2008-09-30: depth with flooring might suggest distance from the groud...floor thicknes...
A 2008-07-14: z-pins are inserted in the direction of the z-axis (z = thickness axis)
A 2008-04-16: Thickness / Width
A 2008-04-16: Dickenangaben - thickness
Q 2008-02-07: Patenttext über Leiterplattenherstellung: "optical emission interferometry...
A 2007-07-17: http://www.google.de/search?q=material+thickness&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rl...
Q 2007-02-26: Kann man thickness mit thicknesses in die Mehrzahl setzen?
Q 2006-01-20: Patent über Herstellung von Dauermagneten (E-D) "the thickness of Press-fi...
A 2005-12-15: thickness porosity
A 2005-12-15: thickness, porosity
Q 2005-12-15: thickness porosity
A 2005-11-13: thickness

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