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English-German translation for: thin
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Dictionary English German: thin

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ADJ   thin | thinner | thinnest
VERB  to thin | thinned | thinned ... 
SYNO   to cut | to dilute | to reduce ... 
thin {adj}
thin {adj} [lean, skinny]
thin {adj} [esp. hair]
licht [dünn, spärlich]
thin {adj} [hair, plants]
thin {adj} [liquid]
FoodInd. gastr. thin {adj}
leer [Eigenschaft z. B. bei Wein]
geol. spec. thin {adj}
geringmächtig [von Schicht, Flöz etc.]
thin {adv} [in a thin manner, so as to produce something thin]dünn [auf dünne Weise, in dünner Weise]
chem. gastr. to thin sth.
etw.Akk. verdünnen
to thindünn werden
to thin [e.g. hair, blood]dünner werden [z. B. Haare, Blut]
2 Words: Others
beanpole-thin {adj}spindeldürr
bone thin {adj}knochendürr [ugs.]
extremely thin {adj}hauchdünn
hair-thin {adj}haardünn
millimetre-thin {adj} [Br.]millimeterfein
paper-thin {adj}papierdünn
paper-thin {adj} [also fig.]hauchdünn
pencil thin {adj} [objects]hauchdünn
pencil thin {adj} [people]dünn wie ein Bleistift
rail-thin {adj} [Am.] [spv.]spindeldürr
razor-thin {adj}hauchdünn
reed-thin {adj}spindeldürr
skeletally thin {adj}klapperdürr [ugs.]
spindly thin {adj} {adv}spindeldürr
spindly thin {adj}zaundürr [bes. österr.] [ugs.]
stick thin {adj}spindeldürr
super-thin {adj}superdünn
oenol. thin-bodied {adj}körperarm
thin-film {adj} [attr.]Dünnfilm-
bot. thin-fleshed {adj}dünnfleischig
thin-gauge {adj}dünnwandig
thin-hulled {adj}dünnwandig [Schiff]
thin-layer {adj} [attr.]Dünnschicht-
thin-layered {adj}dünnschichtig
thin-lipped {adj}dünnlippig
thin-lipped {adj}schmallippig
thin-lipped {adj} [smile]dünn [Lächeln]
thin-shelled {adj}dünnschalig [Nuss etc.]
thin-skinned {adj}empfindlich
thin-skinned {adj} [also fig.]dünnhäutig [auch fig.]
bot. mycol. thin-stalked {adj}dünnstängelig
bot. mycol. thin-stalked {adj}dünnstänglig
bot. mycol. thin-stalked {adj}dünnstengelig [alt]
thin-wall {adj} [attr.]dünnwandig
thin-walled {adj}dünnwandig
anat. med. thin-walled {adj}zartwandig [z. B. Gallenblase]
ultra-thin {adj}hauchdünn
ultra-thin {adj}ultradünn
very thin {adj}hauchdünn
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A 2023-05-30: the thickhead ... who skates on thin ice
Q 2020-01-18: the thin edge of the wedge = ?
A 2019-03-24: Rice thins and corn thins look like they are thin rice cakes (Reiswaffeln) -
Q 2018-11-11: Thin-Film Differential Scanning Calorimeter
A 2015-08-05: Plucked from thin air.
A 2015-08-04: to make something up out of thin air
A 2014-11-19: Spachteln gives smooth, a thin layer of plaster on a wall, used to fill in...
A 2013-10-24: Pallet: kind of rather thin mattress - cf. reference being made to +blanke...
A 2013-10-01: +As thin as a rake+ is the most common phrase in BE.
A 2013-01-23: Pretty thin arguments.
A 2012-09-20: Agree with rabend. "Stretched thin" implies trying to do too much with lim...
A 2012-09-20: Vgl auch https://www.google.fr/search?q=%22stretched+too+thin%22&ie=utf-8&...
Q 2012-09-20: to be stretched thin = dünn gesät ?
A 2012-05-23: Dann: No, it was far/much too thin for that
A 2012-05-23: Narrow isn't used for animate objects, thin would be better -
A 2012-01-05: z.B. "So this just came out of thin air"
A 2011-03-20: "tank top" in the U.S. generally implies a cheaper, thin, cotton/polyester...
A 2011-03-17: fairly thin?
A 2010-10-27: Pulling numbers out of thin air
A 2010-10-19: The usual meaning these days is a thin or poorly nourished person, often a...

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