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English-German translation for: thing
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Dictionary English German: thing

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NOUN1   Thing | -
NOUN2   a thing | things
SYNO   affair | matter | thing
NOUN   das Thing | die Thinge
a'thing {pron} [Scot.]
Gegenstand {m}
Ding {n}
Sache {f}
Chose {f} [ugs.]
the thing [coll.] [latest fad or fashion] [idiom]der letzte Schrei {m} [ugs.] [Redewendung]
thingDingsda {n} [ugs.]
thingSchose {f} [alt] [Chose]
hist. thingThing {n}
thing [crucial point]Knackpunkt {m} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
a thing {pron}etwas
Fucking thing! [vulg.]Scheißteil! [ugs.]
one thing {pron}eines
one thing {pron}eins [ugs.]
Sure thing!Na klar!
2 Words: Nouns
amazing thingerstaunliche Sache {f}
astonishing thingerstaunliche Sache {f}
atypical thinguntypischer Gegenstand {m}
bloody thingverdammte Sache {f}
borrowed thinggeliehene Sache {f}
cheeky thingfreches Luder {n}
chief thingHauptsache {f}
childish thingkindische Angelegenheit {f}
contemptible thingverachtenswerte Sache {f}
philos. corporeal thingKörperding {n}
cruel thingentsetzliche Angelegenheit {f}
damn thingDreckding {n} [ugs.]
delightful thinghöchst angenehme Sache {f}
dirty thingDreckding {n} [ugs.]
essential (thing)Hauptsache {f}
favorite thingLieblingsding {n} [ugs.]
filthy thingDreckding {n} [ugs.]
foolish thing [coll.]Dummheit {f}
girl thingMädchensache {f}
bibl. graven thing [in Douay-Rheims] [graven image (KJV); idol (more modern versions)]Götzenbild {n}
important thingwichtige Angelegenheit {f}
in-thing [in fashion]letzter Schrei {m} [ugs.] [Mode]
philos. individual thingEinzelding {n}
little thingDingelchen {n} [Vkl. zu Ding]
little thingDingerchen {n} [Vkl. zu Ding]
little thingDingerl {n} [südd.] [österr.] [Vkl. von Ding]
little thingKleinigkeit {f}
little thingkleine Sache {f}
biol. living thingLebewesen {n}
mad thing [idea]verrückter Einfall {m}
main thingHauptsache {f}
marvellous thing [Br.]Herrlichkeit {f} [herrliche Sache]
psych. mental thing [coll.]Kopfsache {f}
odd thingMerkwürdigkeit {f}
poor thingHascherl {n} [südd.] [österr.]
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A 2023-11-25: Okay, I will resubmit as a Swiss thing.
A 2023-07-17: In 1867, apparently a name for ground gypsum. Not sure about the dead burn...
A 2023-06-20: Worth noticing: +fanny+ in AE and BE anatomically close but not at all the...
A 2023-04-11: There we are: MW confirms my suggestion / 11:47, NOT +just a normal thing ...
A 2023-04-11: It's really not a "rhetorische Verkürzung," it's just a normal thing to sa...
A 2023-03-29: Who's contradicting? Only thing I see is a confirmation.
A 2023-03-15: Same thing in +Lewis & Short+
A 2021-08-12: Maybe, a thing like philosophical mumbo-jumbo?
Q 2020-10-04: fuckery as a screwed up, utterly terrible thing
A 2020-08-11: Not the same thing, it seems
A 2020-03-17: Never heard of such a thing
A 2019-09-19: +mega+ is a Greek prefix; but the Hellenes call the whole thing πολυκατάστ...
A 2019-04-09: Yes, same thing.
A 2019-04-01: Sorry to trouble you. I have understood it. One more thing I need to know here.
A 2019-02-20: ooops "... has another thing coming."
A 2019-01-11: The thing is that leavers and remainers keep blaming each other +ad nausea...
A 2018-11-28: First thing McKinsey does:
Q 2018-10-17: what is their favourite thing about their jobs übersetze
A 2018-08-24: romy, it will probably take at least another 5 years to get the Brexit thi...
A 2018-05-12: That's the thing. English has three words where German is reduced to using...

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