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English-German translation for: thorn
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Dictionary English German: thorn

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NOUN   a thorn | thorns
SYNO   irritant | thorn | pricker | prickle ... 
NOUN   der Thorn | die Thorns
Dorn {m}
thorn [e.g. of roses] [also fig.]
Stachel {m} [z. B. von Rosen] [auch fig.]
ling. thorn <Þ, þ> [letter]
Thorn {m} <Þ, þ> [Buchstabe]
geogr. hist. ToruńThorn {n} [frühere preußische Stadt, heute Toruń in Polen]
2 Words: Nouns
dent. guiding thornFührungsdorn {m}
bot. thorn bushDornbusch {m}
bot. thorn bushes {pl} [also: tangle of thorn bushes]Dornengestrüpp {n}
bot. geogr. thorn forestBuschland {n}
thorn hedgeDornenhecke {f}
ind. thorn houseGradierwerk {n}
ind. thorn houseLeckwerk {n}
ind. thorn house [graduation tower]Gradierhaus {n} [bei Dorngradierung] [selten bzw. veraltet für: Gradierwerk]
ind. thorn wall [brine graduation tower]Dorngradierung {f} [Gradierwerk]
zool. tibial thornTibialdorn {m}
3 Words: Nouns
bot. thorn cushion plantDornpolsterpflanze {f}
hist. pol. Treaty of Thorn [1709]Vertrag {m} von Thorn
4 Words: Nouns
the thorn in sb.'s side [fig.]Stein {m} des Anstoßes [fig.]
thorn in one's fleshDorn {m} im Fleisch
thorn in the fleshDorn {m} im Fleisch
5+ Words: Others
He's a thorn in my side. [idiom]Er ist mir ein Dorn im Auge. [Redewendung]
proverb No rose without a thorn.Keine Rose ohne Dornen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be a thorn in sb.'s flesh [idiom]jdm. ein Dorn im Auge sein [Redewendung]
to be a thorn in sb.'s side [idiom]jdm. ein Dorn im Auge sein [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
a thorn in the side [idiom]ein Stachel {m} im Fleisch [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. RadioTV F The Thorn BirdsDie Dornenvögel
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
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A 2016-05-12: black-thorn winter
A 2010-01-12: thorn: you will have enjoyed the ian fleming interview with chandler i pos...
A 2009-09-07: thorn, you done well. you wrote the word down & fifty years on, you still...
A 2008-12-10: "From the day he was born, he caused trouble. He was the thorn in his moth...
A 2008-12-10: They were a thorn in his side – something he didn't want
A 2008-01-29: thorn grinder

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