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English-German translation for: thoroughly
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Dictionary English German: thoroughly

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
SYNO   exhaustively | thoroughly | good ... 
thoroughly {adv}
thoroughly {adv}
thoroughly {adv}
thoroughly {adv}
durchaus [ganz und gar]
thoroughly {adv} [very much, greatly]
weidlich [veraltend] [in kaum zu übertreffendem Maße, sehr]
thoroughly {adv}
angelegentlich [geh.] [eingehend]
thoroughly {adv}
gehörig [gründlich]
thoroughly {adv}
tüchtig [gründlich]
thoroughly {adv}
gut [gründlich]
thoroughly {adv}
eingehend [gründlich]
thoroughly {adv}nach Noten [fig.] [Redewendung]
thoroughly {adv}durch und durch
thoroughly {adv}voll und ganz
2 Words: Others
thoroughly bad {adj}durch und durch schlecht
thoroughly decent {adj}grundanständig
thoroughly fit {adj}durchtrainiert
thoroughly good {adj}durch und durch gut
thoroughly happy {adj}seelenvergnügt [veraltend]
thoroughly honest {adj}grundehrlich
thoroughly likeable {adj}grundsympathisch
2 Words: Verbs
to air thoroughlydurchlüften
gastr. to bake thoroughlyausbacken [durchbacken]
gastr. to bake thoroughlydurchbacken
to boil thoroughlydurchkochen
to check sth. thoroughlyetw. gründlich überprüfen
to cook sth. thoroughlyetw.Akk. durchgaren
to defeat thoroughlyvernichtend schlagen
to discuss sth. (thoroughly)etw.Akk. durchsprechen
to explore sth. (thoroughly)etw.Akk. ergründen
to investigate thoroughlyeingehend untersuchen
to mix sth. thoroughlyetw. durchmengen
to mix thoroughlygründlich durchmischen
to search thoroughlygründlich durchsuchen
to shake sth. thoroughlyetw. gut durchschütteln
3 Words: Others
(fully / thoroughly) reconditioned {adj}generalüberholt
thoroughly thought out {adj}wohldurchdacht
thoroughly thought through {adj}wohl durchdacht [Rsv.]
3 Words: Verbs
to bawl sb. out thoroughly [coll.] [idiom]jdn. gründlich zur Schnecke machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be thoroughly ashamedsichAkk. in Grund und Boden schämen
5+ Words: Others
(in order) to discuss the matter thoroughly {adv}um die Sache eingehend zu besprechen
He knows his business thoroughly.Er versteht sein Geschäft durch und durch.
Read precautions thoroughly before use.Warnhinweise: Vor Gebrauch sorgfältig lesen.
You and your staff will be thoroughly trained ... [in the use of sth.]Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter erhalten eine gründliche Schulung ... [in der Anwendung von etw.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to thoroughly acquaint oneself with a topicsich über ein Thema eingehend informieren
to thoroughly acquaint oneself with a topicsich zu einem Thema eingehend informieren
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Thoroughly Compromised Bride [Catherine Reynolds]Im Dunkel der Nacht
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A 2024-04-02: to take sb. to task (about sth.) sich jdn. vornehmen ODER to target sb. OD...
A 2020-10-16: Such manly conduct, thoroughly worthy of the tradition of the Man Booker Prize.
A 2014-09-13: Good point, Lllama - +secretariat+ reminds me of the thoroughly unwieldy U...
A 2014-07-14: 18:34 - so +triteness+ is subjective, but +In the U.S. no one would say "f...
A 2013-07-29: xxx think more thoroughly / tend to think more thoroughly
Q 2013-05-13: thorough oder thoroughly?
A 2012-07-01: It could be an advantage to deal thoroughly with this topic.
A 2011-12-13: reading Michael's post more thoroughly
A 2011-12-06: it can also mean: to relax completely and to enjoy oneself thoroughly - au...
A 2011-05-05: lorry driver (as I have no truck with +truck driver,+ a thoroughly redunda...
A 2011-05-04: gut verschweissen > thoroughly weld
A 2010-06-16: Thoroughly, painstakingly ?
A 2010-06-15: Ah, so they have hidden it thoroughly
A 2010-03-30: In other words, zou, you read a thoroughly positive meaning into the Germa...
A 2010-02-05: that the uni intensely / thoroughly commercializes its research results
A 2010-01-28: turning sth into ridicule, thoroughly ridiculing sth ( +thoroughly+ becaus...
A 2010-01-19: The shoe-cleaning paradigm thoroughly does away with the mistaken belief t...
A 2009-06-27: +bugles+ would be thoroughly anachronistic for the MA
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