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English-German translation for: though
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Dictionary English German: though

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
though {adv} {conj}
though {conj}
though {conj}
though {conj}
though {adv} [however]
though {conj}
obschon [geh.]
though {adv}
immerhin [doch]
though {conj}
wennschon [selten] [obwohl, wenngleich]
2 Words: Others
..., though. {adv}allerdings ...
(even) though {conj}trotzdem [ugs.] [obwohl]
as though {conj}als ob
as though {conj}als wenn
even though {conj}obgleich
even though {conj}obwohl
even though {conj}wenngleich
even though {conj}wiewohl [geh.]
even though {conj}auch wenn
even though {conj}selbst wenn
even though {conj}wenn auch
even though {conj}trotz der Tatsache, dass
for though {conj}denn obwohl
3 Words: Others
It's nice, though.Das ist aber / durchaus / dennoch schön.
Unverified not possible thoughjedoch nicht möglich
4 Words: Others
as though by chance {adv}wie durch Zufall
as though wondering whether ...als fragte er / sie sich, ob ...
Nice though they are ...So hübsch sie auch sind ...
Young though he is ...Obwohl er (noch) jung ist ... [So jung er auch ist ...]
4 Words: Verbs
to feel as if / though ...sich anfühlen, als ob ...
5+ Words: Others
proverb An ape's an ape, a varlet's a varlet though they be clad in silk or scarlet.Ein Aff bleibt ein Aff, er mag König werden oder Pfaff.
as though it were my faultals ob es meine Schuld wäre
as though nothing had happenedals ob nichts geschehen wäre
quote He had many opponents, though hardly one personal enemy.Er hatte viele Gegner, dennoch kaum einen persönlichen Feind. [Friedrich Engels über Karl Marx]
He was careful, though, not to speak about it.Er hütete sich wohl, davon zu sprechen.
quote I like to think of life as a limousine. Though we are all riding together we must remember our places; there is a front seat and a back seat and a window in between. [Sabrina]Das Leben ist wie eine Limousine. Wir fahren zwar alle zusammen, aber jeder von uns hat einen Platz. Es gibt einen Rücksitz und einen Vordersitz - mit einer Glasscheibe dazwischen.
I may be wrong though.Ich mag unrecht haben.
I may be wrong though.Ich mag Unrecht haben. [Duden empfiehlt "unrecht".]
I must admit though that ...Ich muss allerdings zugeben, dass ...
It looked as though he was ill.Es sah so aus, als wäre ihm schlecht.
It pisses me off though. [coll.]Das geht mir aber auf den Sack. [ugs.]
It pisses me off though. [coll.]Das macht mich allerdings wütend.
idiom My heart pounded as if / though it would burst.Mein Herz hämmerte zum Zerspringen.
No one seemed to mind very much though.Es schien jedoch niemandem viel auszumachen.
This is an illusion though.Dies ist jedoch eine Illusion.
This is not quite correct though.Dies ist allerdings nicht ganz richtig.
Though he's poor, he's an honest man.Er ist zwar arm, aber (dennoch) ehrlich.
lit. quote Though the blessing comes from higher. [trans. Marianna Wertz]Doch der Segen kommt von oben. [Friedrich Schiller, Das Lied von der Glocke]
quote Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't. [William Shakespeare]Ist dies schon Tollheit, hat es doch Methode.
bibl. quote Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ... [King James Bible]Und ob ich schon wanderte im finsteren Tal, ... [Luther]
idiom You look as though you'd seen a ghost.Du siehst aus, als hättest du einen Geist gesehen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to stand as though rooted to the spot [idiom]zur Salzsäule erstarren [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. relig. F Take though my hand, O FatherSo nimm denn meine Hände [Julie von Hausmann / Friedrich Silcher (1842)]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2024-02-21: The word +blinkers+ might be misleading though.
A 2023-07-17: In 1867, apparently a name for ground gypsum. Not sure about the dead burn...
A 2023-03-28: I agree with those above, though I find Zuchi1's comment questionable give...
A 2023-03-27: Different meaning though, no?
A 2022-09-01: @polarjud: that's fair, 10 years is certainly hyperbole. Though I will say...
A 2021-02-12: UK usage is more polite, though
A 2021-01-29: Preferably +contributing towards writing a book+ — which sounds a bit vagu...
Q 2020-12-08: in fairness though
A 2020-10-12: Personally, I love hearing unusual pronunciations. I have learnt to regret...
A 2019-12-30: But in your examples +be+ is not a bare infinitive, even though it uses th...
A 2019-03-21: Usually not, but I've found 6 entries with tag [volkstümlich]. I haven't l...
A 2019-03-20: I'd say (I'm not a native speaker, though)
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Q 2019-02-26: welcome-home-husband-though-never-so-drunk
A 2019-01-07: to trump ~ to fart noisily; stenchwise though, the stealthy farts are much...
A 2018-11-13: Though actually...
A 2018-10-24: The +public sector,+ though, does not really correspond to +öffentlicher D...
Q 2018-10-01: Though this be madness, yet there's method in't
A 2018-04-19: yes (it's somewhat informal, though)
A 2018-03-26: my guess (you'd need to verify this, though)

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